Apologies, Explanation, and Future.


I would like to completely, genuinely, and sincerely apologize for the post I made the other day— the guide. Especially in regards to the section that spoke about the main NSFW subreddit. It's clear that the intentions I had for putting it in there did not reflect for what was ultimately received, and, ultimately, when it comes down to it, that is what matters most: How's it received. What was written in that section hurt people— made them feel uncomfortable. And I take full responsibility for that. As I was the one who introduced the idea of adding it— I was the one who had brushed off the suggestions and advice of the other moderator— and I was the one who ultimately defended it.

I did not create this post because I wanted forgiveness. I did not create this post because I wanted for people to pitty me. And I did not create this post to midigate the damage that had been done. I created this post because I wanted to inform what had lead up to that post being created, what the intentions of having that subreddit mentioned was, and, most importantly, to apologize and reassure that nothing like this is to ever happen again— to reassure that this is not what the subreddit, nor it's owner or moderators, stand for. And reaffirm that we will do anything and everything to protect our users, and make sure they feel safe and welcome in our subreddit.

A couple of days ago, on the 24th of this month, a user had suggested that we create a post that would help raise awareness to the PoV subreddit, as they had been noticing that the majority of people were posting on our subreddit, as opposed to there. I brought it up to the other moderator as something to discuss. After about an hour or two, we ultimately decided that, while we couldn't really sponsor a subreddit, we could create a guide post, with the intent being to educate new about the main subreddits, as well as to introduce them smaller yet still interesting subreddits that fulfill specific niches, like the FNaF subreddit or Worship subreddit.

It was, during this time, I suggested that we added the Heat subreddit. I did not suggest it because It was a subreddit that I had any personal connection with or because I agreed nor disagreed with its contents. I suggested it because, at the time, I thought it would make the subreddit more pleasant, both in terms of moderation and user experience.

I thought that, by showing that we don't view the heat subreddit as any other subreddit, it would show encourage people not to argue over it in ours. I thought it would discourage people from going from our subreddit and trying to raid theirs. And I thought it would help protect users who make NSFW content on their own profile from harassment.

However, it was clear that the way I went about it was absolutely wrong. It is clear that the way it was interrupted and viewed portrayed something much more malicious, and disgusting. The proper way to have gone about reminding the subreddit of our views towards NSFW— if at all, since we rarely have these kinds of discussions anyway— would have been to do it through a general PSA, that listed no subreddit, and gave general, helpful, and direct information, instead of assuming it would be understood and accepted as to why it was there.

what I did— as a result of my own negligence, as a result of my refusal to listen to the advice of other Moderators, and my tunnel vision of what I thought would help instead of seeing the flaws, and consequences, of my own actions to the others who were and we're not involved— hurt people. It made them uncomfortable, and unease. No matter how how much I wanted to help or do something beneficial for the subreddit, it doesn't matter as long as the results hurt people.

And that's why I'm making this post. To apologize and explain myself for what that post was. To apologize for the harm I did, even if that harm was unintentional. I don't expect to be forgiven, nor do I want to be pittied or defended. And I most certainly do not want to defend my actions on that post.

In the end, I want to apologize. Genuinely and sincerely. And to reassure that this is not what the subreddit stands for— nor what the other mod and owner stand for. I am the one to blame for that post, and I am sorry.

As for the future of me in this subreddit, I am not really sure. I have contacted Lyncxnwolf earlier in the day and am still waiting for his response, as to the situation I placed myself, many others, and this subreddit in, as well as what any reprisal there may be. If it's being removed from moderation, being banned, or any other punishment he sees fit, then I will accept it without push back.

Once again, I'm sorry— genuinely.

If you would like to vent, ask questions, or argue in the comments section, whether productive or out of pure unrest, feel free.


[ Additionally, I would like to apologize for any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or any parts that may not be clear in this post, as I haven't really been getting good sleep lately. Plus, this post is fairly long and has taken several off and on hours and multiple restarts to write. As well, if parts on the post seem aggressive or defensive in certain sections, I apologize. That is not the intention either. ]