Baffling that big YouTubers/reporters are not saying anything about the back glass glue quality

Samsung has been getting away with using cheap quality glues for a long time. I wish bigger influencers called Samsung to action about this. Because us small fries yelling on reddit or the samsung forum isn't doing anything at all.

You can see even the latest s25 ultra's back glass was coming off when Jack (Jerryrigeverything) was trying to take apart the camera rings.

I don't think I have seen any other brand's flagship phone's back glass coming off so easy. What kind of glue do they use if some heat from using the phone can weaken it? I have used so many phones in the past with glass back and played demanding games on for hours without having to face these issues.

Are we supposed to baby the phone and only use it 5 minutes at a time? What's the use of these ip68 ratings if we can't even be confident about whether it's still water resistant or not because of the back glass's weak glue?