Who else feels like they’re winning?

I see a lot of posts where people focus on the negatives, like how they’re made mistakes and failed and so on, and how awful their life was.

I have that part of my life too, don’t get me wrong. Typical latchkey story. Moved out of my Dad’s/Stepmom’s house when I turned 18, drove a beater for years, worked my way through college as a line cook, video store clerk, etc.

But I’ve always focused on the positives, on what I had rather than what I didn’t have. I focused on my successes, while being mindful of how I was responsible for my failures.

My wife & I married later, both in our 30’s, and we chose to not have kids. We’ve been together 25 years. Ups and downs, with a real bad rough patch for about 8 years, until Covid lockdowns forced me to slow down my crazy work schedule, deal with compartmentalized grief (lost father and sister within 5 years of each other), and really connect with my wife.

Now we are happier than ever, living our best life. We aren’t rich by any stretch, but we’re comfortable and healthy and grateful above all else.

So now I just feel like I’m playing with house money. Any other GenXer’s feel like you’re winning at life?