A somewhat explanation on my 21,302 Raiden kill count
You guys seemed concerned.. does the fact that 99% of my Raiden runs were done in random co op make it a more feasible number? Or does that make it worse?
There were many guesses as to why and how I accumulated this number, some being; "Damage showcases" Well, I have done plenty of these here, but they definitely make up less than 5% of the total. I'm not a showcase kinda player, but sure it can be added to the list I guess. "You simp for Raiden" No. "You hate Raiden" I'm not a fan of her, but I'm not psychopathic enough to go out of my way to make this a reason to beat up some pixels. "To listen to the banging OST" Valid enough, but at this point I've heard it an unhealthy amount of times that it's almost as though I'm put in a trance and I hear nothing but silence.
Alright alright, here's the lore! It started not long after the boss was released, I was a total scrub and had no idea what I was doing.. so I went to co op to leech on better players to fight her for me so I could claim. Well, little did I know, co op was almost always worse off (bare in mind there were no Yelans, no Neuvis, No Furinas, no Arles, no freaking dendro and this point in the game, so a typical Raiden fight then wasn't like 20s like it is now) ((I'm sad Raiden is in this state in 2024, pure bullying nowadays)) Anyways, so point is I sucked, people in co op also sucked, I was sick of sucking, co op needed a local hero, and I decided to become it. I stayed up all night that day, fighting Raiden continuosly over and over so I could learn her every move as fast as I could so I could solo her with one character, no teams. This is the only point in time I'm ashamed admit I was on Genshin a full 24 hours fighting her (don't worry, I never did that again) Within the first week I acculmated 200, I remember this milestone. The rest is history, I came to enjoy it immensely. It doesn't hit as hard as it once did, the powercreep has sucked almost all the fun out of fighting her, but alas, she has a hold on me.
As you're reading this 21,302 is an outdated number, I am in fact continuing my slaying spree.
Maybe we'll cross paths, Raiden (Lvl90) co op domain, EU server, IGN Blaidd. Chongyun pfp, Shenhe cover. As of this post, 67 max friendship. Happy slaying 👍
You guys seemed concerned.. does the fact that 99% of my Raiden runs were done in random co op make it a more feasible number? Or does that make it worse?
There were many guesses as to why and how I accumulated this number, some being; "Damage showcases" Well, I have done plenty of these here, but they definitely make up less than 5% of the total. I'm not a showcase kinda player, but sure it can be added to the list I guess. "You simp for Raiden" No. "You hate Raiden" I'm not a fan of her, but I'm not psychopathic enough to go out of my way to make this a reason to beat up some pixels. "To listen to the banging OST" Valid enough, but at this point I've heard it an unhealthy amount of times that it's almost as though I'm put in a trance and I hear nothing but silence.
Alright alright, here's the lore! It started not long after the boss was released, I was a total scrub and had no idea what I was doing.. so I went to co op to leech on better players to fight her for me so I could claim. Well, little did I know, co op was almost always worse off (bare in mind there were no Yelans, no Neuvis, No Furinas, no Arles, no freaking dendro and this point in the game, so a typical Raiden fight then wasn't like 20s like it is now) ((I'm sad Raiden is in this state in 2024, pure bullying nowadays)) Anyways, so point is I sucked, people in co op also sucked, I was sick of sucking, co op needed a local hero, and I decided to become it. I stayed up all night that day, fighting Raiden continuosly over and over so I could learn her every move as fast as I could so I could solo her with one character, no teams. This is the only point in time I'm ashamed admit I was on Genshin a full 24 hours fighting her (don't worry, I never did that again) Within the first week I acculmated 200, I remember this milestone. The rest is history, I came to enjoy it immensely. It doesn't hit as hard as it once did, the powercreep has sucked almost all the fun out of fighting her, but alas, she has a hold on me.
As you're reading this 21,302 is an outdated number, I am in fact continuing my slaying spree.
Maybe we'll cross paths, Raiden (Lvl90) co op domain, EU server, IGN Blaidd. Chongyun pfp, Shenhe cover. As of this post, 67 max friendship. Happy slaying 👍