Digital Gloomhaven good as a turn based tactical battle game?
I have never played the physical board game Gloomhaven, and I am considering buying the digital one, currently on sale on Steam with a big discount.
I'm searching for a good tactical battle game that is not necessarily a full-fledged CRPG like Baldur's Gate 3, Divinity:Original Sin 2, etc; I want something that I can jump in on a whim and do a couple dungeons or city maps.
So I tried some games like Knight In Tight Spaces and Grimguard Tactics (Mobile) but found the first formulaic and the latter a greedy gacha.
So would the digital Gloomhaven serve to scratch my turn based tactical battle itch? That feeling of a well-played combat, flanking, etc?
EDIT: Thank you so much for all the replies! This game seems to have an incredible, helpful community.
I forgot to write a more thorough gaming background in my original post but yeah, always loved X-Com, Age of Wonders series (4x with tactical combat) and am a D&D fan.
Not overly fond of Jrpgs and Final Fantasy Tactics, Ogre Tactics etc because the art style does not work for me; it does limit my options because most current tacticals have that manga/anime or pixel art style or are full-fledged Crpgs.
From what I've read it seems worth it to give Gloomhaven it a try, so thanks again!