my new beast for the hybrid war

William. The One Who Comes Back.

genetic makeup:

head: carnotaurus, crocodile, solenodon, baird's shrew, anole, hornbill, bear, hippo, falcon, utahraptor, porcupine, electric ray.

body: armadillo, pangolin, crocodile, spinosaurus, porcupine, electric eel.

arms: pangolin, armadillo, maip, human, chimpanzee, croc, porcupine.

legs: seriema, utahraptor, spinosaurus, porcupine.

tail: spinosaurus, ankylosaurus, stegosaurus, porcupine, electric eel.

genetic additions: fluoroantimonic acid in venom, starfish regeneration, human intelligence, hydrophobic skin, 3 brains, electrolytes littered throughout the body.