Unpopular opinion
I've been stacking for years, mainly to have something to pass on to my children. I'm lately fixed on the opinion that an audit will eventually take place in Fort Knox etc, where, instead of less gold or even the same 8,134 metric tonnes, the government will find out they have... more. Yes, you read that correctly. MORE. The accumulation by central banks and governments of the pet rock has been taking place over decades. People have been instead investing in stocks, bonds, RE, whatever besides precious metals.
So my speculation is they'll revalue gold only once (and peobably by a hefty amount) they'll gasp find out they hold way more than they thought, so now they can repay the debt and have some change left over for our beloved politicians to have a final bite.
All that gold from Libya, Iraq and who knows where else... plus the piling over decades... plus almost all the people I know off have zero bullion... plus never mentioned in the MSM...
what do you think?