My boy was diagnosed with cancer and given months to live.

My boy, my son, my best bud, my sweet Bentley was diagnosed with cancer. It’s rare and spreading fast. He has months to live. I don’t know what to do with myself. I don’t know how to help my family through this. My parents adore him. I’m pretty sure they love him more than they love me (a joke but also sort of serious haha). He is losing his energy, he barely eats, zoomies are so extremely rare and tale wags are slowing down as well. My Ben is only 5 years old. I was supposed to have at least 5 more summers with him. 5 more seasons of watching him enjoy sunshine, snow, rain, wind. 5 more reasons of him chasing our cat. 5 more seasons of loving him. I’m afraid. I don’t know what to do.