Old money vs new money in GG

Ive always thought of it as Blair being old money, Serena being new money. That isn’t true in the story cause Serena’s been rich her whole life but Serena is more fashion forward and flashy with her money and how she dresses. While Blair is more traditional glamour, which is why in later seasons she feels so out of place in college while Serena fits in more. I think people may pity Blair because she’s so out of touch but consistent w the way she’s out of touch while Serena can be seen as wishy washy in her morals. They’re both very flawed but people also have more sympathy for Blair. Also with Dan, clearly he’s upper class cause how can his parents (artists) afford to live where they live and send them to a school like that, and being divorced. In general I think styles like old money, classic fashion and honestly just rich white ppl shit will always be in style, but new money changes so much. That’s why I liked the og series cause there are more distinct differences, the newer one is def more new money vibes. I love reading people and understanding levels of society but I am very middle class and broke rn I just pretend to know what I’m talking about so sorry if this is completely off base lol. Don’t get me started in Chuck cause I could write essays on his relationship with money.