The "REAL" driving simulator 💀
Honestly this was so funny I'm not even mad. I just wonder why the guy didn't ghost out before sending me into another universe
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\nPolyphony needs to create an algorithm that immediately boots these fuckers from the race and back to the lobby.
\nBetter yet, put them in a lobby together and let them play bumper cars
\nGT physics should be more realistic and cars should show realistic damage. That could have been a DNI for both.
\nWhat's the point of modelling realistic damage when you're basically quitting out or restarting a race as soon as you see it. Spending money on the game over state is like, the last place it needs to go.
\n\nIt's like saying they should model your internal organs accurately for whenever you die in a shooter.
\nI'm just playing sport mode for the plat trophy so I don't really care about how the game handels damage and hits, but from what I've seen so far it's all about bumps that don't really get punished in the right way. A different damage sistem would definitely make people drive more carefuly at least
\nAny damage punishment you apply to assholes gets equally applied to their victims though.
\nyea but victims are already compromised by always going off track (and getting penalized for tracks limit too sometimes)
\nSo whats to be gained by adding to it? Assholes already ignore the penalties anyway.
\ncurrent penalties are not punishive enough
\nI dont even care about realistic damage models. I'm more interested in how the cars move in relation to a real life accident. In no way would a car hop like that. Even getting bumped around a corner the cars fine handle like real cars would. I mean suspension absorbs a lot of rubbing and bumping and that isn't reflected in gt7s physics model
\nThey don\u2019t take realistic damage because it\u2019s a racing game not bumper cars and the manufacturers view this as an advertisement why would they want people to see their broken down car
\nNo ghosting going 120 into a U turn is the real problem here.
\nImpressive that you did not recieve a 17 second penalty for hitting the wall \ud83d\ude05
\n\nPD should add ghosting so the only player they f'ck is themselves going straight into the wall.
\nI laughed so hard \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 i do feel bad for you to but damn \ud83d\ude02
\nSame. Shit was hilarious. \ud83e\udd23
\nLmao Gran Turismo meets 8 Ball Pool.
\nCan\u2019t even be mad lmao
\nSometimes you can drive in 'flickering invisible car mode' for a quarter lap for no reason, and then you have this where it usually would make them invisible, but nope, to the nether realm you go
\nWii Sports Commentator: \u201cGreat shot!\u201d
\nYou don't have enough pp's
\none is enough
\nNo penalty either, amazing.
\nTo be fair I think it captures pretty accurately what would happen if you\u2019d been hit by a car that thought it could do the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.
\nThat's why GT7 is better than Nioh. In Nioh you can't jump
\nI think that\u2019s exactly what would happen tbh
\nHow fast was the other dude going Jesus, this wasn\u2019t even a hit you just got shot
\nNice timing, though.
\nAt least PD is not selling "the real crash simulator", if this was your expecting here.
\nNow that\u2019s a dive bomb
\nHahahah I just laughed wayyyy too loud
\nYepp, everyday on my way to work
\n10 Second penalty for Ocon
\nBut Ocon is the penalty merchant\u2026
\n\nEDIT: original comment was fixed, can ignore this
\nMy bad, I got my drivers mixed up \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb corrected it lol
\nKuxir pinch meets GT7.
\nSee nothing wrong
\nI wonder what the lap before looked like and what caused him to send you to the shadow realm
\nRight. OP was using someone else as a turn barrier so I\u2019m guessing he deserved to get punted from previous shenanigans
\n\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 why did the reverse lights come on?
\nHow are you alive lmao
\nIs this why it's called being punted? That looked like punting a ball in NFL or whatever ball kicking sport.
\nYeah it\u2019s never claimed to be a crash simulator
\nI think I was in that race, not the douche though \ud83d\ude05
\nwhat's your ID on gt? I'll check
\nAs soon as you got hit, you weren\u2019t driving anymore. You were flying. So it\u2019s still correct /S
\nTo be honest, its not 'The REAL Flying Simulator'
\nLmfaooo definitely wasn't expecting that!! Dude came outta nowhere! \ud83d\ude02
\nAs funny as this is at some level, it would be better if this guy just faded to black into an unskippable cut scene that he has to watch for an hour. Close the game and reload? start over.
\nYea it\u2019s annoying but god I\u2019d laugh my ass off if it happened to me. I love gaming but I can never take it serious enough to get mad at that
\nSometimes I wish they would introduce damage like ACC and iRacing
\nAlmost as funny as some of the iRacing glitches
\nI've seen something similar on a pool table... r.i.p. window.
\nThis is the type of things me and my friends do at each other in V8 swapped MX-5s in an attempt to send another car to space
\nThese people are the reason why I don\u2019t race online\u2026..
\nGravity said 10x more \ud83d\udc80
\nBro it's called an aggressive inside dive bomb overtake. It's a normal competitive move.
\nHoly shit i was not expecting that
\nI bet he got just 5 sec penalty
\nMore realistic than reality
\nHonestly this was so funny I'm not even mad.\nI just wonder why the guy didn't ghost out before sending me into another universe
Honestly this was so funny I'm not even mad. I just wonder why the guy didn't ghost out before sending me into another universe