where the wyatt sick’s been??
did they got buried
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did they got buried
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"t5_4cindo", "voteState": 0, "bodyMD": "Sometimes wrestlers show up, flounder around and do nothing for like a whole year, and then disappear for a short while. Then when they come back it's like suddenly they matter more than ever. This happens with the women all the time. It happens to fresh NXT call ups all the time. And this faction has both men, women, and NXT call ups in it.", "body": "
Sometimes wrestlers show up, flounder around and do nothing for like a whole year, and then disappear for a short while. Then when they come back it's like suddenly they matter more than ever. This happens with the women all the time. It happens to fresh NXT call ups all the time. And this faction has both men, women, and NXT call ups in it.
\nThey been shitting the bed
\nDon\u2019t look a gift horse in the mouth. Just enjoy it
\nOne of them got injured, I think the plan is to bring them back with Alexa involved
\nBo is injured.
\nEric Redshits
\nQuite accurate given the frequency of loose bowel movements. Nikki Cross accidentally got some in her mouth and now she has Hulkamania
\nI'm only worried if they come back
\nThey went to go get bread and milk...
\nHopefully Dom comes out to help Liv at The elimination chamber & Nikki pops up to scare the absolute crap out of Dom and then Alexa wins :)
\nThis sub hates anything fun I see.
\nWhile true, this isn\u2019t fun.
\nYou\u2019re right, them being off tv is not fun.
\nOne of them (or more) are injured so the whole stable is off TV
\nThey were booked awfully and now nobody gaf. Like I wanna know who decided to make them lose to karrion and aop when they were just gonna release aop anyway that\u2019s literally that dumbest most stupid thing I\u2019ve ever heard of but of course wwe does it
\nOn the shelf. Horrible idea to begin with.
\nI feel like these supernatural gimmicks just don't work anymore
\nThey don't work. In fact, they've never worked, except for Undertaker and Kane, and only because they debuted in very different time periods and with different context.
\n\nIf those 2 debuted today, they'd get laughed out of the arena.
\n\nBray/Fiend was the last supernatural guy that kinda worked, and even then most of his work sucked and the company not being 100% behind him made it even worse.
\nWhere they should be. Off tv. \nWorst faction ever.
\nBetter than gay fusion collective
\nYes you are correct. W6 is the second worst
\nThank you for that, I don't want to see them on TV either. I'd say Retribution was a worse group though lol
\nI really liked the idea that the family targeted broken family's aka gable breaking up alpha academy.
\n\nI thought for sure it was going to lead into them feuding with judgement day.
\nThey been sick... \ud83d\ude2d /s
\nBo is injured, so I guess WWE has no plans for them until he comes back.
\nWhich is dumb af... Why couldn't he be present as "manager" with injury?
\nBo is hurt. They also realize that Bo can't wrestle in the mask they want him to wear. I think the Uncle Howdy character is going through some kind of transformation to get Bo away from wearing a mask. Maybe they'll have him come back as a new character.
\nAt that point they need to just scrap the faction entirely and have him be himself.
\nTbh they could probably get a good sfx makeup artist for him and do makeup & prosthetics which would make it easier for him to wrestle.
\nIf Kane can take his mask off and succeed, anyone can.
\nI think that they were way overhyped and now they just don't know what TF to do with them.
\nBold and strange accusations to make given the literal Wyatt Sicks tease on SmackDown! only hours ago after Bliss attacked Roxanne Perez.
\nBo is hurt.. has been hurt for a few weeks now and without Bo there\u2019s no Wyatt sicks.. I think they know what they\u2019re doing with them.. just the main guy got injured. Plus all the stuff with bliss right now obviously showing connections with the glitches. They definitely have a plan
\nI think it would be best to just let Alexa branch out on her own and let her do her own thing.
\n\n(And there's a downvote for you too)
\nThey didnt get buried, But just forgotten. Cool debut though.
\nRecruiting bliss , you can see glimpse of them in the glitches during alexa's appearance.
\nThey\u2019ve been sick
\nLocked behind a pre-order bonus
\nman i don't care about the wyatt six pre order thingy.regular joe gacy better have his banger theme from NXT
\nThat would be cool to have a corporate Ministry of Darkness (Wyatt 6) hired by the Rock to face Cody and his friends in a Survivor Series match.
\nThe are hanging with Mr. Cooper
\nThey are building bliss for whyatt sicks. You can see in her promo with nia the camera bugs (if it isn't a glitch for me)
\nWho cares?
\nKeep them off my screen no Dallas is trash and the rest of them jobbers trash too
\nWho cares they suck. Triple nose is really about to ruin Alexa again too pairing her with this trash group.
\nBliss returning with a Fiend Forever jacket leads me to believe that she enjoys being associated with Bray and his story. I don't think she is being forced into anything. Some wrestlers probably enjoy having a character and gimmick over championships.
\nNo one really likes them, they just support Bray.
\nI do and want to see them in a actual story, the thing with gable was cool we need more characters like them again
\nPeople would like them if they gave them something to do other than terrorize the Miz
\nThey gonna support bliss
\nIt looks like they're starting to stalk Alexa Bliss now that she's back.
\nOne of them has been injured apparently
\nBo Dallas
\nThe sympathy well is dried up.
\nI don't think any of us know where their 'been' is.
\nIt\u2019s insane how quickly fans will just turn on promising talent. Taylor still lost his actual brother not long ago. This faction has been incredibly cool when on TV.
\nI think they are perfect right now. Like a really solid spot for them is what they are doing right now. O
\nIn a storyline of soul stealing. The Wyatt 6 are oddly absent lol
\nYou think they should be mercenaries or something...like a corporate ministry of darkness? I would be down.
\nFiguring out how to stay relevant
\nInjury list
\nFightful reported that one of them is injured, and I'm guessing they feel they can't book them properly without one of them as they're all crucial to the stable and the gimmick.
\nI think they just don\u2019t have jackshit for them to do during WM season. Maybe once Drew does his thing with the Rock, and they start the new Corporation or whatever crap name they will call it, we will see them return.
\nA feud with them and drew would be interesting
\nThis is going to have the same issue as Brays out there characters did. It's not easily bookable long term and it's a bit weird having paranormal peeps looking weak, it's damaging to them and you can't keep a group of midcarders strong all the time.
\nDing ding ding. I have been saying this since they started. It's crap and it doesn't work in a sports environment. You're telling me they damn near killed the entire locker room with supernatural powers, yet lose in a tag match. What the referee has anti magic shell on or something?
\nThen you don't have them lose or have them only lose to baby faces who you want to turn heel.
\nThey ain't at that level though and aren't going to be!
\nBo is hurt
\nOut sick.
\nDamn beat me to it!
\nJobbing like normal
\nIn the flopped aisle, where they belong.
\nWho the hell cares they've been overrated since they started everyone was expecting this big thing to happen barely anything happened it was a flash in the pan
\nI wish you were wrong, but I don't think you are.
\n\nI think they will be back eventually because they are still on contract, but I don't know what they will do.
\nAlexa Bliss
\nWaiting for their next member to arrive
\nHopefully gone and forgotten
\nBo's injured, and they've been popping up during every Bliss appearance.
\nMaybe they\u2019re sick\u2026\u2019s.
\nThey've been teased every single Alexa Bliss promo. You taking a break from watching?
\nI\u2019m tired of all the childish paranormal crap
\nDo you like the Undertaker perchance?
\nI do like the undertaker and tried liking the Wyatt\u2019s but they just don\u2019t convince me or any of my friends.
\nUndertaker was perfect, Wyatt\u2019s haven\u2019t been convincing enough honestly. I get they want to continue Bray\u2019s legacy but they just ain\u2019t it man\u2026
\n\nThis paranormal gimmicks don\u2019t bang like they used to, especially in this era of wrestling
\nIt\u2019s not that the paranormal gimmicks don\u2019t \u201cbang like they used to\u201d, it\u2019s the fact that the wrestlers simply aren\u2019t talented enough to make it work. We saw all of their limited ceilings, in their last respective runs.
\nThey don\u2019t bang like they used to because wrestlers aren\u2019t talented enough \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc
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\nHaha a Wyatt faction mismanaged why I would never expect that
\nNo just a little sick.
\nThey botched the rollout by not riding them prominently. You gave them a feud which was pointless and had no direction. A good return would be to come out and go crazy in elimination chamber. That would be insane.
\nYeah, they should have been in War Games. Perfect match for a group like that.
\nAt this point, they totally could have made the group stronger. Bo leading works if he has Braun, Eric Rowan and Bliss along w someone else whose a lunatic. Maybe Seth loses his shit. That would be intriguing but they can't go back now so idk
\nBo is injured
\nGood riddance
\nYou see all those shadows around the arena? They're in them.
\nThe rumour was Alexa Bliss was supposed to have a program with them but she had a contract dispute, but now she is signed, there have been Wyatt 6 \u201cglitches\u201d during segments she\u2019s involved with telling us they will be back on tv soon
\nHidden until 2k25 is released\u2026
\nThat actually kind of makes sense?
\nOne of them is injured. No idea who though.
\nThat explains it. Still, I would at least have kept a few of them on TV and kept Howdy ringside or something, but then again, we don't know what the injury even is or the severity of it. I mean, at least we're getting some glitches with Alexa Bliss and all
\nI'm not excited about bliss going back there. Her first run with fiend was horrible. she should stay away from them or feud with them
\nShit it just happened
\nThere's been teases with Alexa Bliss when she has appeared so it seems as though they were in unsure developmental hell but now they might be returning with her as a new member
\nThey've been sick.
\n"Paul Fumbled"
\nGone and forgotten?
\n\nAll gimmick but no meat
\n\nNicki Cross does deserve better, though.
\nBo is afraid
\nVery odd movie
\nthe last 10 mins or so took me out of it. i like it as a whole though
\nI was in a constant state of confusion most of the movie, then when they got to the attic, I threw my hands up and said "Alright, now WTF are we even doing?"
\nH has no idea what to do after the debuts
\nThey\u2019ve been Wyatt sick
\nI think Bo is injured. Also, their stuff just popped up during an Alexa Bliss backstage segment like 2 weeks ago, I assume they'll be back soon and she joins them.
\nThey will be showing up at the Elimination Chamber to either attack Alexa Bliss or help her win as she\u2019s their new leader
\nThis week as well.
\nBo is hurt
\nThis is how Wyatt stuff works.
\nThey're not Samoan...
\nOff TV thankfully. I think someone is injured tho. But I'd rather see them all back as their previous characters
\nSince they was doing so well as those characters\u2026
\nFair point. They should've been cut with the other recently released talents. Hopefully post mania spring cleaning takes care of them for good
\nIf they throw Alexia in the group I think they will be pushing the group hardcore because of her. I think her and Nikki Cross would make a killer tag team with that gimmick!
\nBo Dallas is injured and they don't want to continue without him.
\nWhich sucks for the group since they had a few matches where he just sat in the rocking chair and watched then others wrestle, so they could at least be doing that so could keep them all going and keep the gimmick in everyone\u2019s head.
\nHow, what did he actually do, step Out? I love Bray and the idea of these guys but have any of them even actually had a single fucking match?\u00a0
\nBo faced the Creeds, Gable in a singles match & Final Testament on Raw. Plus he's had several dark matches. He could have possibly got hurt training. Remember Cody tore his peck & Bayley blew her knee training. It can happen.
\nAnd WDYM? They had numerous matches against American Made aswell.
\nHe got injured in the tag match they all had against the final testament... They all competed in that match (aside from Nikki Cross)
\nDo you know on how he got injured? like during which part of the match?
\nNo idea when Bo got hurt but the speculation is he re-aggravated an old neck injury from 2019.
\ndid they got buried
did they got buried
did they got buried