Why is germinating seeds so hard?

Hi all,

With a few grows under my belt, I am slowly getting a better understanding of growing and nutrients etc.

The one thing I always seem to struggle with is the germination process. Everything I read online and videos I’ve watched, everyone seems to breeze through this step while I’m over here struggling with each grow I attempt.

Currently, I was gifted some Bruce banner auto seeds. Out of the 5 I was given, only one of them sprouted. I used all different methods to try and germinate but barely any luck.

My go to method is straight into my organic living soil.

I have attempted paper towel method and soaking but not to much success.

Why is this so hard for me??

I prefer the germinate straight into soil but my luck is awful. I understand genetics and seed age is a big factor but surely I can’t be doing much wrong on my end.

The ones I have in now are sitting in my tent under the led @ 50% strength. Keeping soil moist but not wet wet.

Any tips or advice would be amazing.

Like I said, once they are off, I’m alright, it’s just the beginning step I struggle so bad with :(