[QUESTION] String buzz after bending on SG style guitar part 2

Hi everyone, unfortunately my last post was removed so I couldn’t reply or add pictures as some suggested, hence I’m making a new thread and providing a video with pictures of the pickups. This was the original post:

I have an issue with my guitar. When I bend and release the high E or the B string I get string buzz for a short period of time. (only happens on the higher frets). While I’m bending there’s no buzz and once the string is bent a whole step (or a half step) it also doesn’t buzz. After releasing the bend the string starts buzzing on all higher frets until I pull it bit between the pickups. I get no buzz without bending. I’ve tried raising the action and the problem still happens. Does anyone have an idea what is causing this issue and how to fix it?

Thanks for the help!

video and pictures