Shouty band suggestions
I've been into punk and hardcore for decades now, but the hardcore side has sort of fallen off my radar for a while. The most recent band I "discovered" was Big Laugh, and love their Consume Me record. I was hoping someone could suggest some bands to me to get me back up to speed. For me the singer is what makes me like a band or not. I LOVE shouty vocals (like early Comeback Kid, Gallows, Buggin etc). I instantly turn off the song if its screamo, or growling, doomy vocals (Counterparts, Hundredth etc). I don't mind melodic stuff, but again the singer can't be too whiney sounding with too many harmonies.
Really liking:
End It
EDIT: thanks a lot to everyone for their suggestions! Really appreciate it!
EDIT 2: when I listed SSD I wasn’t meaning SS Decontrol. There was another band called SSD that I’d come across, that wasn’t for me.