We actually, like, actually made it. (Investment story)

Hello everyone, laying here 2am just tears steadily running down the side of my eyes again. realizing that its done now.
invested all my money between jan 2021-nov 2024. almost 4 years.
im not kidding. 90%+ of my saved money, is in hedera.
i never lost belief, lived cheap, budgeted food, saved over 1k$ per month to put in. So much noise. so much FUD, everything is there but we are rank 50 with problems happening, oh yes.
Shoutout to the community that stayed strong. and the leaders in the space.
For me it was NCASH, HbarBull and recently Allincrypto. thank you for your dedication to bring all information about hedera forward. truly. thank you.

and now when we entered 2025. its like, that the war is over. i can finally wake up where my belief is a reality and not just a belief anymore. its almost been religous, this lvl of faith that the hedera team would pull it off.

i dont just believe this bullrun will be great, i know it.

-Macro economics lined up for this bullrun liquidity wise.
-Narrative is Ai, RWA, USA, ETFs, Utility. Hedera is basicly Nr.1 on all of them
-The hedera chart technicly is in a beautiful uptrend from a breakout of accumilation

my dad told me a story about investing when i was a kid.
"Nokia knocked on doors to get initial investment in exchange for stock.
and those people that bought and didnt sell,
got 100s and 100s times their money over time.
Wow, imagine if you did that, oh wow, that would be so incredible. not having to work.

and now, after i tried to convince him to buy for last 2 years atleast.
when i was upmost confident about the invesment. he finally invested
in august 2024. and a solid chunk aswell that i didnt expect
so now he wont need to work anymore soon.

Funny how that works.

Thanks for reading to this point and if any of you guys have a story how you got here i would like to hear it. Peace.