Is Helldivers worth it?

I know this probably is a question that you guys get asked a lot but I’ll ask it anyways. I have seen a lot of videos about the game and it seems really epic. Even though im already sold there’s a couple of reasons why I ask this.

1) none of my friends play it. Is it worth playing alone or with ransoms? Like do they talk a lot and are they nice?

2) is the hype over? In a lot of comments I see people say stuff like “too bad the game fell of” and stuff like that. Did I miss the hype storm or does it still have players.

3) Money. Im an unemployed teen so I don’t get a lot of money. I did have a summer job so I have a bit of money saved up but I don’t want to waste it something I won’t enjoy.

Hope I’ll get some good answers that’ll make my decision easier.

Edit: y’all convinced me. I’ll see you on the battlefield. For super earth!!