cervical herniations

april i woke up with room spinning, we all had been getting through colds / a virus. i sat up it was gone and i never felt the same. went to urgent care was told i had double ear infection not sure if i believe them they're always wrong. around the same time i had a chiropractic manipulation that caused instant back of head pain. since these two things i've had off balance swaying sensation, almost uneven floor type feeling or elevator dropping feeling at times. back of head pain and tension headaches, black dot floater in my right eye. most difficult symptom is the balance sensations. it's not anxiety i am medicated with lexapro and now xanax short term because it does help with my balance usually benzo are prescribed for vertigo due to the vestibular suppression functions of the drug. it also takes away my headaches and i guess potential spasms. i've seen multiple drs - ent and neurologist think possible vestibular migraines. cervical mri showed 2 herniations in neck, spasms and arthritis. i'm 32. nuero surgeon said not candidate for surgery try holistic approach well it's not working. i've been a upper cervical chiropractor for almost two months. only thing that's better is the headaches and neck pain which really weren't much of a issue i can deal with it however the balance is a major issue for me as im a very busy demanded barber in the area. upper cervical chiro did images showing atlas was misaligned along with disc issues and believes that with spams is causing cervogenic dizziness essentially causing a domino of symptoms. i am willing to get disc surgery or any surgery if i knew it would get rid of all my symptoms. problem is these symptoms over lap with many issues from vestibular migraines to cervical disc issues to atlas misalignment down to even needing glasses. does anyone have any input? it's been 8 months, they r saying vestibular neuritis and labrinthitis are off table due to the time length of symptoms. xanax only thing helping at all right now. second opinion from ent and nuero surgeon coming this week.