Do yall just round up your hop additions?
If my 5 gal batch call for .7 aroma hop at 15, I just do an ounce.
Same with dry hop. If it says 1.3 oz, I do 1.5.
I try to make hazys. I want to master this style.
I’ve only brewed one good one, which was an Orange Julius clone, and it was amazing.
I followed the recipe exactly. I’m now playing with brews salts, which I had not done before, and my last hazy was a dumper. I think the recipe was half to blame (really low hop/gallon ratio)
I have a vevor 9 gal kettle so the ever so important whirlpool is now doable as well as a consistent mash.
Is it even feasible to chase this hazy dream with a glass carboy as a fermenter?
I know this is now two questions.
Edit: I do a closed transfer to keg, and I’ve found that using a balloon filled with co2 works perfect for cold crashing and not sucking in air.
Tips for how to dry hop with less oxygen exposure in a glass carboy are welcome.