Building New Home Can I Split Cooling Zones (HVAC Question)

This may be a silly question, but what are some options I could consider adding for additional cooling for my home offices? I run a robust computer for work that throws off a ton of heat, and my office will get hot in the summer. My current home office is in the basement, so heat is not a concern currently (and even welcomed at times in the cold basement). However, the new home I am building is a slab home without a basement (all one level). My wife also works out of the house in her own office. I am thinking about talking to the builder about 3 zones for cooling: House, office 1, and office 2. I have a small office and my wife's office will larger around the size of a master bedroom.

I was looking into a two zone mini split for both offices, which I could add myself after the build is complete. However, figured since the house isn't built yet maybe I could have the builder do something a bit different that is a better option or maybe even install the mini split during home construction. I am using a custom builder, and they stated they can do just about anything "within reason" as part of my build. Figured I would ask to see if the mini split is the best option or if there is something else out there that I do not know about I can ask my builder about. Thank you in advance.