Anyone done stucco on top of 2.5 inch foam?
Most stucco is only set up for 1 inch foam thickness max. I got some poly iso 2.5 inch foam for a good price used and want to use it to super insulate my walls. As part of trying to use the 2.5 inch foam I am going to use 4 inch long screws and large washer caps to secure the lath these would be secured into studs every 6 inches at 16 inch on center. I think this should be enough to secure the lath and the weight of the stucco. The wrb will be against the sheathing. My windows have been bucked out with 2x4 so they will sit flush against the new 3 inch thick wall finish, 2.5 inches for the foam and .5 inch for the stucco finish. As for the weep screed it's impossible to find one that would fit the thickness at 3" so l'm thinking I will put a 2x4 long wise at the bottom plate and secure it to studs and then use a 1 3/8 inch weep screed attached to the 2x4 so it will sit at 2 7/8 at the bottom of the stucco assembly. Does anyone see any problems with this assembly? The house is in Phoenix Arizona climate so there will be minimal rain.
Most stucco is only set up for 1 inch foam thickness max. I got some poly iso 2.5 inch foam for a good price used and want to use it to super insulate my walls. As part of trying to use the 2.5 inch foam I am going to use 4 inch long screws and large washer caps to secure the lath these would be secured into studs every 6 inches at 16 inch on center. I think this should be enough to secure the lath and the weight of the stucco. The wrb will be against the sheathing. My windows have been bucked out with 2x4 so they will sit flush against the new 3 inch thick wall finish, 2.5 inches for the foam and .5 inch for the stucco finish. As for the weep screed it's impossible to find one that would fit the thickness at 3" so l'm thinking I will put a 2x4 long wise at the bottom plate and secure it to studs and then use a 1 3/8 inch weep screed attached to the 2x4 so it will sit at 2 7/8 at the bottom of the stucco assembly. Does anyone see any problems with this assembly? The house is in Phoenix Arizona climate so there will be minimal rain.