Custom jobs where you fully reimagine spaces?

I've developed something of a custom job addiction, but the things I *really* love are the ones where you take a space and essentially convert it into something else. This is way more fun for me than just cleaning/surfaces/furniture, I love doing the demo and building and seeing the new space sort of emerge out of the old one, if that makes sense. A few jobs I've done and loved along these lines:

Loft Living&Home Design Store for House Flipper 2 - - essentially empty high-rise spaces into two modern apartments and an Ikea-type furniture store

The old train station for House Flipper 2 - - train station into house, and a few train cars into really charming little rooms

Madame Edith's Corset Emporium for House Flipper 2 - - Madame Edith's Corset Emporium - not going to give details on this one but highly recommend

From apartment to house for House Flipper 2 - - small, boxy apartment complex into one large house

Where the mole people lived for House Flipper 2 - - weird underground house into nice underground house

Old Schoolhouse Flip for House Flipper 2 - - old abandoned schoolhouse into house

Neighborhood Revitalization for House Flipper 2 - - ruined house into public park, plus some other major house renovations

I just think these jobs are so special and creative, I enjoy them so much. What are some others I should check out?