Which is the character that everyone loves but you dislike ?

I'll start.

Please don't attack me for saying this ... but kurapika.

Overall, I lean to dislike vengeful characters, so the fact that I don't completely dislike kurapika ( and even being able to empathize with him ) is proving how much of a good writer togashi is .

In my opinion, I find it hard to dislike any character in hxh , BUT there's this thing that keeps bothering me about kurapika. A part of his character..

Sometimes that boy can be a jerk for no reason, he's so mean and rude to Leorio, and he's not even saying it as a joke . He also can be super critical, yk , it's kinda annoying to see someone complaining about the way someone else behave all of the time .

My man Leorio deserves better :( he only wants to help , god its not too hard to be nice for once

I know it's hard to lose your whole family, but Leorio has nothing to do with it !!!

I think this is one of the reasons I dislike the ship leopika, their dynamic is kinda toxic. ( let alone that leo is straight asf )

( ngl I think I'm being a little unfair because my favourite is literally Killua ... but damn.. I love Leorio )