GPU PRICING 6700xt - Nehru Place
What prices and availability for the 6700xt should i expect at local shops like nehru place. There are multiple online stores that are selling the gpu for around 36k, but doesnt show those prices. Is this an error of the site or are those unavailable etc?
Will the 6700xt be available at nehru place at reasonable prices ie 36k or 37k (without it being a scam ofc) and if not , what other gpus for around 32k-36k would you recommend thats available at nehru place and similar (max like 10%-5% difference) for gaming.
Im going to buy this on Feb 1st and have time till Feb 14th, and ill wait even more if theres relevant evidence that something magic is going to change gpu markets, but i will not wait past 1-1.5 months.
The total budget is around 65k, i can push it past that by a little (67k) if its making a big difference.