RTX 5080, 5090 , 5070 and 5070ti - Pricing & Stock Insights

Disclaimer : This is all the information we have as of now, this information could change from time to time based on the market situation. If you have any doubts you can ask in the comments and will answer to the best of my ability based on the information I have today. Also if situation changes in the future please don’t bash us this is literally information from multiple brands that we have received.

  1. For now only cards from Asus and Galax are available on the launch day, MSI Colorful should be here tomorrow. ZOTAC is expected in the 2nd week of February. Gigabyte I don’t have much information yet but they should be here within the first week. Inno3d should be here as well in the next month first week.

  2. This shortage is expected to last up till March unless a miracle gets the chips issue resolved.

  3. RTX 5090 is coming next month and a few brands will be getting it first. The prices of these will also be inflated due to the shortage. While next month multiple brands have multiple shipments coming in of RTX 5080 and RTX 5090 its still not enough to cater to the normal demand and prices will fluctuate only if the purchase behaviour of customers shows a negative impact on the sales at which point the prices may decrease.

  4. NVIDIA has done an amazing job as far as we know to instruct brands to spread the cards rather than give it to a set of big players so a lot of small retailers or system integrators like us will also get few cards at the launch day. Also a few brands have themselves also taken up this initiative.

  5. RTX 5070 and RTX 5070Ti will also be inflated if it comes in, in the same numbers as the RTX 5080 or 5090. These cards are expected to hit market by February End or March.

  6. Next month is crucial that is February and the prices could either go down or go up no brand has clarity on this yet. It’s a coin toss.