Greenest forest flag
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Itni sense wali baate bhi krte hai log social media pe \ud83d\udc4f
\nKoi account do bhai inka
\nTune bas apne aap ko hi achha samjha tha kya?
\npick krlo mata ji ko bhyi !! ab to pick krlo
\nIt seems you guys have forgotten half the movie. Its not that she has to make food, its about the complete control that the husband and father in law has over her.
\n\nEvery thing is how they want and the women folk weren't even considered equal members. She was not allowed to use mixer or pressure cooker, not allowed to eat with them, not allowed to work and even not allowed control over sex.
\nFoodie people are stuck on food,\nThey are the people who won't throw the last golgappa even if some crime is happening in front of them.
\n\nThough I don't agree with all the points shown in movie,\nBut it's about experience of a woman.\nNothing to generalize here.\nIt's not story of all woman,it's not story of all man.
\nYour last two sentences is what people (women who like to victimize themselves and men retaliating) don't understand. It's not the story of the majority of households. This is why it's so controversial. People are weaponizing this in both directions (men and women).
\n\nFew households treat their women like this, sure, it's wrong. But it's not happening in majority. In most houses, the men toil away outside to take care of the family and come home to relax while the women toil away in their home to take care of the family and relax in their free time.
\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s not the story of the majority of households
How do you know? Apne tier 1 city ki 4 families se bahar nikal kar bhi dekho duniya thodi. 80% India is rural, the majority of the households are worse off than shown in the movie. But oh women like to victimise conversation over
\n\nAur toilet away nahi toil away hota hai
\nI am residing in a small town and my family, my father's and mother's family don't treat their women this way. All of them are living in villages. My friends are also from same place and none of their families treat their women this way. I have visited their houses and everyone collectively work to take care of guests. They too are from small towns.
\n\nSo yeah, you need to not white knight here.
\n\nAlso, yeah I know. It is toil. Fucking autocorrect fucks up even normal words
\nI am from a tier 3 city; I can bet you can't point that out on the map as well. Yet, for the entire region, something like what was shown in the movie is unimaginable, let alone practicing such things. Sure, down the socioeconomic ladder, you may find women facing difficult lives, but then, even the men have a hard life. Imagine being on the field under 45+ C temps all day.
\n\nIn our region, treat your wife like that for a week, and you can expect divorce papers next Monday.
\n\nYour experience may be different, and that's sad, but it doesn't mean it is the same for everyone.
\nAnd problem is that you are ignoring her point, let me repeat again what she said - "Mrs movie ke baad mr bhi banna chahiye kyunki appreciation to aadmiyo ko bhi chahiye hota hai ...?" , you get the point ?
\n\nIt's not about how the movie was good or bad or the character in it, it's about the weaponisation of it
\nThis woman is a Right wing wet dreams
\nAnd left wings nightmare
\nOh look, the "Pick Me" squad is here\u2014ready to prove how different they are by accepting every unfair rule with a smile. These are the women who proudly say, "I'm not like other girls, I know how to adjust!" as if being a doormat is some kind of achievement. And the best part? They don\u2019t just tolerate things quietly\u2014they make it their duty to shame any woman who dares to expect better. Someone speaks up? "Oh, she\u2019s too modern, too selfish!" No, she just refuses to be treated like a lifelong maid with no paycheck.
\n\nBut hey, keep waiting for your \u201cBest Traditional Woman\u201d award. Just don\u2019t be surprised when you still get treated like a doormat.
\nLmao a self proclaimed misandrist attempting to use non existent logical faculties. Tu rehne de behen, go beg for help regarding your AI/ML \u201cresearch project\u201d
\nI hate you
\nLiteral kid talking out of her ass
\nCome in DMs and hate me more
\nI don't talk to kids, sorry.
\nOre bhaiyaaa apka reply orgasam dediyaaa\ud83e\udd75\ud83e\udd75\ud83e\udd75\ud83e\udd75\ud83e\udd75\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6
\n\nChigma chinnar supremacy \ud83e\udd75
\nThese are my opinions. Before arguing with me, just take a look at how your mom lives in your house and how you treat her.
\nThey won't realise because everyone views people differently. They'll have selective dissonance
\nFeminists ki \ud83e\udd0f\ud83c\udffbbuddhi me yeh baat nahi ayegi, pickme keh denge.
\n\nIf you want your husband to take care of all your needs and financial responsibilities like your father, then take care of his household needs like his mother.
\nSahi baat kahi bhai
\nTruu momint.
\nBolne de bhai pick me, atleast achhe ladkiyon ko log pick karenge, faltu mindset wali ladki bas rote rahegi
\nPick Me to h hi \ud83d\ude02 tbhi to smjhi nhi movie ko apne attention gain krne wale views leke agyi
\nWhat a fkin tool you have to be, to not realise that it's about getting respect. Not about NOT wanting to make food for your husband. It's like you're unable to ACTUALLY attack the point of the movie so you just strawmann it so hard that it's basically wrong at this point.
\npick me nahi ye lunpagli hai , movie samjhi nahi gyan batne agayi
\nBhai toh tu apni maa ki respect krta h na? \nAbb socho, when ur wife comes to your house, wo khusi khusi sab kaam kr rhi hai, hadd se zyada kaam kr rhi hai, tab tum usko little to no respect doge toh wife ko kaisa lgega?\nIn this movie, she was treating her in-laws nicely, unki saari baatein maanti hai, but usko kutto ke trh treat kiya jata tha.
\n\nMen earn for the family so they are respected, women also work for the family, ao why aren't they respected? Tab unke liye wo krna job ho jata h aur koi dekhta h bhi nhi unko.
\nthe same men who said "animal is just a movie, it doesn't promote misogyny" are getting their egoes broken over another movie with the same concept, with roles reversed. L community.
\n\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 This pick-me girl attitude is what makes me hate my own kind. We have hundreds of movies portraying how men make sacrifices and showcasing their selflessness for the sake of their families and all positive adjectives. \nOne movie showing how a woman chose herself over the predetermined societal values which have always targeted women and subjected them to absolute torture, harassment even within their families and everyone is triggered. Breaking generational curses is what this social media influencer doesn't know a dime about and for the sake of likes she chose to rise by stepping upon her own community. Nonsense at its peak.
\n\n\n\nWe have hundreds of movies portraying how men make sacrifices and showcasing their selflessness for the sake of their families and all positive adjectives.
\nManjhi The Mountain Man.\nSarabjit.\nMasaan.\nMary Kom. \nPad Man.\nToilet ek Prem Katha and so many more.
\nNone of them were as focused about common men's struggles as you guys are claiming mrs to be ,
\n\nif that's the case then it's not just one movie , we have Pink, queen, manikarnika , padmavat, thappad ,mom, chak de india, almost every tv serial , all of the tv ads based on gender struggles and many more
\n"the family man"
\nand even if there is no movie on men , then you make one or urge bollywood to make one . no one is stopping you
\nand that doesn't mean if there is no movie on men struggle then there should be no movie on women struggle
Read the other thread
\n\nAlso stick to the point , that comment was claiming that there are thousands of movie of it , i was strictly replying to that comment , not the creation of the movie
\nDo they not focus on the struggles of a man? There is a difference of perspective man. Pink, Queen and all the others stated by you do not focus on the household struggles. Sure they are about women empowerment and feminism but the projection of a regular Indian woman is what the movie Mrs. is about.
\nThis was my comment -
\n\n"None of them were as focused about common men's struggles as you guys are claiming mrs to be ,
\n\nif that's the case then it's not just one movie , we have Pink, queen, manikarnika , padmavat, thappad ,mom, chak de india, almost every tv serial , all of the tv ads based on gender struggles and many more"
\n\nRead again , you are missing two very important things here , first - "if that's the case then ..." and 2nd "almost every tv serial..."
\nRight. Thank you for holding the conversation decently. Appreciate it.
\nExcuse me?
\nnothing ,sorry
\ni was not saying that to you, but to the girl in video
do you happen to live in afghanistan?
\nSo true
\nMale validation
\nmale vallidation maang rahi hai
\nMil bhi gaya usse. Aur 10 videos aese hi banayegi.
\nThis is classic example of ragebait , inka koi ideology nhi hota .. jha clout hoga waha bhaukegi.
\n\nSame for boys , female validation ke lie kuch bhi karte
\nShe's looking for male validation that's it
\nlove her
\nShe was not allowed to work and he had sex with her when she was not interested. That's oppression and domestic violence. End of discussion
\nWasn't she the pick me girl
\nalways have been
\nReel link pls...
\nMy god, dil jit liya madam ne to\ud83d\ude0d
\nMeri wali aisi hai \u2764\ufe0f
\nReality ko oppose kr dete h cool lagenge
\nyou have a false sense of reality
\nWhat about you?
\nBhai uss movie mein her husband forces himself on her, wo sahi tha? \nUsme movie mein wo usko khana bnane se dikkat nhi thi, na hi appreciation se, but harr cheez pe TAANE OR COMPLAINTS SE THI. \nUska pati doctor tha, usko appreciation nhi milti thi, theek h, but usko aise nhi treat kiya jata tha, usko din bhar taane nhi sunne prte the, HE HAD FREEDOM TO DO WHAT WORK HE WANTED, GHAR MEIN USKI MAA AUR BIWI USKE SAARE KAAM KRTI HI REHTI THI.
\n\nAur haan maa ko roz appreciate nhi krte toh maa ko harr khane ki cheez pe kamiya nhi nikalte, it's not about fucking lauki ki sabzi ya tinde ki sabzi.
\n\nMaa ko appreciate nhi krte isiliye normal hai. Aur baat hamesha harr baat pe tareef krne ki nhi hai, IT'S ABOUT RESPECT. Tum maake ke haath ka khana khate ho, so u also respect her, u respect your father because he earns for your whole house. Abb biwi din bhar naukaro ke trh kaam kre toh uski respect bhi nhi kroge wo shi hai kya??
\n\nUse your brains. Nhi toh aisi fame ki bhuki reels ki auratein ke gyann mein hi pare rho.
\nSo true. It was marital rape and slavery, in clear words. Unfortunately, we as a society don\u2019t even acknowledge this in our own houses. Patriarchy is so much embedded in everyday that an opinion that challenges it is inconceivable by us. Such an understanding requires a critical mindset and knowledge of women\u2019s struggles. Something that we lack as a society in general. Moreover, the idea that men suffer in society is also something that feminism takes up and works towards. Only someone versed with feminism will understand this and not those who fear the term itself. Sadly, lack of knowledge and half- baked ideas have a voice today thanks to social media.
\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
\nPeople conveniently forget that only making was not the only reason she left what about his family not allowing her to work when she wanted to what about the forced sex huh these some people really have half of the brain
\nAaise toh agar animal type ki male dominated movie aai hai toh fir female dominated movie bhi aani chahiye \ud83e\udd21
\nYes , bura nahi isme , dono movie aani chahiye , dono pe discussion hona chahiye
\nIf you're saying this. You don't even have seen this movie.
\nPlease explain
\nwill smith+ this lady \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc
\nwhat if she loves getting beaten by men\ud83d\udc80
\nmaybe she does\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d
\nForget Green Flag, this is what actual logical argument sounds like. I still repeat, these propaganda movies try to lecture men that they owe women appreciation and all, but in reality even a father/man deserves appreciation for what he sacrifices and his hardwork.
\nI agree a father and man does deserve respect but this still doesn't mean that the movie trying to spread propaganda. There should be a movie about men too but the movie accurately depicts the condition of millions women in this country. People keep saying that she couldn't cook for 2 people do not see the fact that she was cooking for them but the problem was the way she was treated, not the cooking. Let alone a forced sex shown in the movie which everyone just choose to be blinded by because it doesnt fit their motive. Again this is exactly the condition of most households in india, both urban and rural. What else can be expected from a country that doesn't recognise marital rape
\nCan't even imagine the backlash this woman is gonna face.\nMen aren't allowed to say anything for men.\nApparently neither are women. \ud83d\ude05
\nno one is 'stopping' her from saying anything, they are just calling out her bs
\nJust coz people disagree with her opinion doesn't mean that it's "bs".
\n\nThat's her opinion.\nI'd argue that being a woman, her (and also other womens') opinion would matter more in this particular conversation.
\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
\nOfcourse say shit about women because of whom men suffer. But she will face backlash because this movie is showing how millions of women in our nation face this passive neglectful behaviour from their sasuralwaale.
\nYeah but she's also entitled to have her own opinion.
\n\nShe just made a case for the opposite side of the coin.
\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
\nShe ofcourse can, but in this video she has missed the main problem that the movie is trying to showcase. \nWo appreciation nhi, respect ke liye marti thi uss ghar mein. Isne maa ka example diya h, haan baar baar appreciate nhi krte, toh kya wo sahi hai? Or nhi bhi krte toh atleast respect toh krte h na bhai, wahi cheez uske saath nhi hoti thi wahan.....
\nShe's seen the movie and is speaking in a more general sense.\nOfcourse home duties are never appreciated.\nHer point was that everyone has their own responsibilities that they must fulfill thanklessly coz it's their duty.
\n\nI agree with you. Respect is important.
\nWell i agree with you too.... finally kisine acche se points rkhe rather than debating..
\nYeah. I myself am surprised.
\n\nSo meaningful discussions ARE possible on Reddit.\nNever seen any. Never had any. \ud83d\ude05
\nAlso on controversial topics like this lol
\nShe's sensible and beautiful too \u2764\ufe0f I want to marry her \ud83d\ude0d
\nW women \ud83d\udc78\ud83c\udffb
\nAcha what about when he borderline martial raped her?
\ntha and agar uspe focus rehta with open communication toh achi film banjati. Koi educated aadmi itna ignorant nahi hota agar uski biwi kahe ki pyaar karo toh usko bhagade. Unrealistic male show karenge phir kahenge divorce toh inevitable tha. In films ki wajha se sanctity of marriage ruin ho rahi hai because it shows ki agar thoda inconvenience aayi toh lawyer up karlo because you are a femin(azi)ist.
\nBhai tumko internet pe aisa lagega ki feminism ka kaam nahi bacha hai kuch lekin ground level pe kayi jagah ab bhi wohi condition hai jo 30 saal pehle tha. Martial rape abhi bhi legal hai aur kabhi socha hai humari mummy log apne in laws ko hate kyun karti hai?
\nSir, feminism ki definition is equality between both genders. Problem with these movies and shows like four more shots, please and Mrs. is firstly, the independent woman is a flawed character. If I ask you to think of a feminist, 95% of the people will think of a woman who smokes, drinks and engages in promiscuity because she has the freedom to do as she does. Lekin, is that a real role model for women to follow? Real feminists are Georgia Meloni, our president Droupdi Murmu, Sonia Gandhi.
\nr/Feminism ki description hi talks ONLY about equality for women, and isse you can see how unsound yeh modern feminism ban chuka hai. Movie ke andar although kuch issues like you said marital rape tha jispe, I also believe baat honi chahiye lekin konsa way did she take at the end? She divorced him.Isse women aur men pe kya assar padega? Young women will think I don't need to compromise in the relationship, and if he tries to make me do ANYTHING I'll divorce his ass because that's the easy way out. On the other hand, kyuki men ko deliberately aise unrealistic character se portray kiya hai; they will become radicalized ki hum toh shaadi hi nahi karenge kyuki current generation of women is not wife material. Kya aise ek society chal sakti hai? Although I have not seen the film and neither do I plan to, from the research that I have done, influencer feminists are praising her because she refused to adjust in the relationship and taught the husband a lesson by divorcing him.
\nAnd yeh last line mujhe aapki samaj nahi aayi regarding mummy log and in-laws? Its not like sirf india mein wife and husband ki mother jhagad ti hain; its part of a universal human nature jisme husband ki mother constantly seeks to make the wife more like a version of herself while the wife resists this molding. America, Russia, UK, kya in countries mein wife vs mother-in-law nahi hota?
Main toh kahunga ki yeh aur Animal same wavelength pe exist karti hain where ya toh inko PURELY entertainment mein dekho ya agar kuch seekhna hai toh learn things like importance of father-son bond, brotherhood and Mrs. se marital rape and modern arrange marriage
\nHere's a sneak peek of /r/Feminism using the top posts of the year!
\n\n#1: 53% of white women voted for Trump, again.
\n#2: The real danger for women is religion | 535 comments
\n#3: I think it's over... pouring one for women's rights, Gaza, Ukraine and the environment
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\nso what ? now men will decide who should women look up to as real"feminist'(meloni lol)? peak patriarchy
\n\nalso the husband is 80% a realistic character , if not 100% and surely a part of toxic male hegemony and no one should compromise in relationship, either male or female
\nthats why india has one of the lowest divorce rate , proving the society shit
\n\n\nhusband ki mother constantly seeks to make the wife more like a version of herself
that proves patriarchy
\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0America, Russia, UK, kya in countries mein wife vs mother-in-law nahi hota?
who said there is no patriarchy in west ?
\n\nanimal is a dumb and fiction movie like pushpa or pathaan level shit made of masala entertainment loving ppl, Mrs. is a realistic (80% atleast) movie made to educate ppl like OMG 2
\nIt is not men deciding what/who women look up to; it is society urging/recommending the youth to look for better idols. You cannot tell me a woman can idolize a character who drinks and has 20 relationships at the same time, but a guy can't idolize Ranbir Kapoor in an animal because, according to you, its only for masala entertainment, but for the record, he does have qualities worth praising and striving for. According to your argument, what right does society (assuming your belief of it being patriarchal) have in deciding an individual's idol for them?
\n\nI personally believe that Meloni, the first woman prime minister of Italy, is a better personality to look up to than a character whose story conclusion is her divorcing her husband. If you disagree in that well, you have the full right to because everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
\n\n(idk how to quote a text, please forgive me.)
\nAs I said, I haven't yet watched the movie, and neither do I plan on wasting my time on it, but from the few clips and analysis videos that I've watched, BOTH the characters, the husband and wife, are unrealistic. You keep mentioning the toxic male hegemony. I request that you provide me some examples because perhaps, being of that gender, I may have been ignorant of such acts of cruelty taking place in our society.
Your notion that nobody must compromise in a relationship is just outright false. Both have to compromise on certain parameters, which are subjective to their situation.
\n\nHow does it prove patriarchy? A woman trying to make a woman more like her because they will have the same role is no patriarchy. If a father-in-law tries to teach a husband business because he wants his daughter to live a rich life, would that still be patriarchy?
\n\nIs a low divorce rate in a society a bad thing? If couples are able to come to terms, although it may be pressure from in-laws, it is a good thing because you must understand most have children, and here too, both parents must compromise their needs and put aside their indifference for a better environment for the child.
\n\nI personally like Animal, Pathaan and these types of action movies because you can learn lessons from each and every form of entertainment. It might be dumb for you while Mrs. is a dumb movie for me, but at the end of the day, the maximum we can do is debate each other because neither I nor you can stop you from watching aisi films, nor can you stop me from watching waisi films.
\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
\n\n\n\n. According to your argument, what right does society (assuming your belief of it being patriarchal) have in deciding an individual's idol for them?
society must not be taken seriously , and its up to women to look up at anyone they want , men are no saviour of women
\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0If a father-in-law tries to teach a husband business because he wants his daughter to live a rich life, would that still be patriarchy?
yes , if the daughter wanted to learn business and is denied
\n\n\n\n\nIs a low divorce rate in a society a bad thing?
yes,it shows that society is patriarchal and oppressive
\nand its not only bad for women but for men too
\n\n\nI personally like Animal, Pathaan and these types of action movies because you can learn lessons from each and every form of entertainment. It might be dumb for you while Mrs. is a dumb movie for me, but at the end of the day, the maximum we can do is debate each other because neither I nor you can stop you from watching aisi films, nor can you stop me from watching waisi films.
good for you
\ncool ragebait im ending this convo have a good day
\nsame to you comrade
\nWhat did you learn from animal btw? \nMrs. Shows the condition ko majority of women in India. And every woman has either faced this or has someone facing this kind of behaviour by their inlaws. This movie is about respect, harr baat pe appreciation nhi bhi doge kisiko bhai, toh atleast uske constant efforts ke liye tum respect bhi kroge. Muh se bolke nhi toh atleast actions se toh kroge hi.
\nDekhiye sister ji animal se I learned about love, obsession, how ranvijay forgot to be a father on his path to become the best son, brotherhood, family fractures, aur bhi miljayenge i havent seen it since it came out.
\n\nFilm ke andaar baatein sahi thi lekin conclusion of divorce was not the correct answer. Easy ways out are never the right answer. Agar woh suicide karleti toh aap bhi yahi kehte na ki bhai, she should have communicated her feelings better. Divorce is suicide of the special bond formed ji. I think they should have shown her talking about her concerns with a joint family session rather than begging her husband once and then carrying it on with divorce. + feminazi and femcels divorce ko glorify kar rahe hain and are using this example. The husband worked 12 hours every day, so I don't think its unfair for him to ask the wife to at least make the 3 meals every day. Aise division of duties se hi toh ek ghar banta hai.
\n\nAur ji aapka yeh toh majority women suffering ka notion hai mujhe thoda sa graphs aur links mil jate toh acha rehta kyuki har koi bas yahi keh raha hai ki ground reality hai lekin kuch proof bhi toh chahiye rehta hai na notion ko back karne ke liye ji.
\n\nok ji, ill wait for your response
\nOkay, it good that the things you found the most appealing in animal was not cheating and the other stuff. \nAnd yes, i completely agree with you that divorce is not the last option, bohot saare log sort out kr lete h baaton ko, communication nhi hua unme that is right, but ho skta h uske husband change krne waale hi na ho na
\n\nMovie mein ek scene h jab wo apni wife ki dost ke ghar jaate h. Dost ka husband uski plate rakh deta h toh ye husband bhi rkhne jaata hai apni wife ki jhoothi plate, jab wo ghar mein aisa kuch nhi krta.
\n\nLook, abb mai ye nhi keh rhi ki apni wife ki plate rkhni chaiye sabko, apni toh rkh skta h na, aur ye baat toh plate se zyada hai, this signifies ki he knows what's right and what's wrong but tab bhi wife ko acche se treat nhi krta.
\n\nMovie ke start se hi wo khusi khusi khana banati h, apne sasur ko khush krne ke liye unke according krti h sab but tab hi usko respect nhi milti, appreciation toh males ki bhi nhi krte muh pe log, jab wo ghar ke liye earn krte hai, but respect krte h na? Wo respect nhi milti hai ise, aur auraton ko in general kaha jata h ki kaam h toh kregi hi, okay i agree with division of labour and it certainly gives balance, but jab ek male ko apni responsibility ke liye respect milti h, toh aurat ko kyu nhi.
\n\nGenerally household chores are looked down upon, log smjhte h kaam hi kitna rehta hai when housewives work 24/7 without leaves...
\n\nAnd I can't really provide you with links about how women are treated in households, kyuki treatment pe koi research nhi krega...
\n\nMostly iss comment section mein logon ne apne around jiss tarike ka treatment dekha h uske according bol rhe hai, bhai lekin mostly men hi hai who are asking for proof of wrong treatment.
\n\nMost women have faced this or have seen someone facing this, most women notice this that's why they're calling this out, I have seen how women are treated around, din bhar kaam, koi baat krne ko nhi koi khana tak serve krne ko nhi, bacchon ko sambhalo ghar ko sambhalo, ghar se bahar mat niklo aur kya kya nhi.... isiliye ye ground reality hai, this has been normalised ki housewife hai toh din bhar kaam hi kregi na isiliye most people don't notice this......
\n\nWhat women are facing has become a societal norm, it's more about mentality rather than a consensus jisko hum graphs mein represent kr skte hai.....what was shown in the movie and what most of the people here are debating about is a mixture of things, not only one problem, abb kis aurat ko ghar mein respect milti h kisko nhi, iske graphs toh koi nhi nikal skta.
\n\nNotice around, you will see.... Thanks
\nChaliye ab yeh thoda sa personal preference pe bhi depend karta hai. Some girls want to be a trophy wife and become the traditional powerhouse (I mean i hope some do because yk i would want a virgin trad wife) yeh toh phir baat compatibility pe aa jati hai. This should have been sorted during the sagai talks ki wife wants to work or not and how the duties will be divided. I guess the movie characters missed out on that kyuki agar wife aur husband ki priorities hi compatible nahi hai toh marriage anyways wont work.
\n\nBaaki this is a flawed way of thinking ki no compensation 24/7 house work karti hain housewives without leaves. Our mothers did not take care of the house expecting something in return. They did so because they love us and wanted to provide us with a comfortable environment for us to succeed so we should stop treating ghar ko sambhalna as some unpaid work, rather it is a task of love and care from wives and not even wives house husbands too. Duties dono gears pe hain in a marriage. Facilitation provided by housewives and househusbands is a burden of great affection.
\nwoh koi crime thodi na hai. asli crime toh joke sunana hota hai/s
\nbhai tu sachi jee ki jagha re hi likhde aisi statement ke baad woh hi tujhe suit karega
\nUs bhai us
\nFYI jo ye bol rhi hai ki appreciate nhi krti thi roj vo job se aata tha toh use disrespect and all bhi nhi krti thi vo jo ki uska husband and father in law krte the ,dhyaan se dekh bhen movie is not about appreciation, it is about respect faltu cool mt bano male attention keliye
\nIndian cinema is dead bro.
\nYe Pehli samajhdar ldki dikhi aaj merko ( Aurr shyd aakhri bhi )
\nAb kuch ladkiya isko pick me behaviour bole gi
\nShe's just a pick me clown. Maybe when she will face the same things she will realise
\nWo movie me literally job karna chahati thi, so ye video ka point kya hain?
\n\nLiterally she is PROHIBITED by her father in law frok having a joh in the movie something that she is willing to do, so this angle of "tumhara pati sabhi kuch kaam karta hain" is bullshit regarding this movie because the main character activrly try karti hain so that thats not the case but she is stopped cuz of her controlling in laws
\n\nI swear these people didnt even watch the movies but make reels cuz they wanna capitalise off of a controversial topic
\n\nLunpagal final boss
\nWhat the fuck is wrong with her? \nSo she supports marital rape?\nShe supports crushing women's dream after marriage?
\n\nShe supports that woman should not be treated with love and respect and should be treated like a door mat?
\n\nShe supports that women should not have an opinion?\nBut here she is out of her kitchen and giving an opinion.
\n\nGo back to the fucking kitchen and do not show your face (what will your husband say),
\n\nIf Mrs shouldn't didn't have asked for validation why are you asking for validation on the internet
\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
\nZinda laash was personal
\nPick me.
\nIn society it's all about the convenience of an individual or community be it man , woman , in laws , etc . If a thing or a system gives me convenience I would always have an objection about getting it removed. Be it feminist, Sigma male or any one else .
\n\nFor eg most of our mothers are living the life that Sania Malhotra was portraying but yet when they have a choice to prevent the same thing from happening to their daughter in law will they be in support of their daughter in law or against it ? bcoz now it's their time to reap the convenience of this "aurat ko in laws ki seva karna chahiye Ghar Mai rehna chahiye " system.
\n\nThink about it by keeping general public in mind rather then some expectations.
\nI like it when women know their place.
\nPick me final boss
\nYe itni lambi Jhelum-Chenab-Ravi jaisi baat ki isne. kya kehna chahti hai exactly?
\ni heard the movie had martial rape and she wasnt allowed to work?
\nAbe movie dekh na chup chap sab pakad pakad rhe uffff sabko bolna hai
\nthat's why we oppose the movie because they took extreme to manipulate the married ones and bachelor girls.
\n\nBiased and 2 decade old story..
\n\nEven why they don't take actual stories of women instead making a crime petrol type masala movie
\n\nPerfect male doctor material
\n\nwhite colour skin female
\n\nShe can cry for job but can't book a plumber, her response of using drainage water for shikanji also justify the action of in laws...
\n\nFrustration from husband and in laws can be the reason to harras other by married women.
\n\nWhy we don't see sasta gram vlogs or some you tube documentary helping actual victim of pressure,harrasment, domestic violence, other regressive societal norms from both gender...
\nExtreme? Maybe you don't live in this country but this isn't "extreme" lmao,it's the "normal" the situation is much worse
\nWhy we don't see sasta gram vlogs or some you tube documentary helping actual victim of pressure,harrasment, domestic violence, other regressive societal norms from both gender...
\n\nthen post on FB, other platforms what happen to anyone..
\n\ninsecurities make people to absorb only what they want spit in life..
\n\nwith availability of women education, women empowerment and internet why no mass FIR against the culprit by victim
\n\noutrage is restricted to SM, reddit comment. \ud83e\udd7a\ud83d\ude29
\nHow nice it must be to be this blissfully ignorant. Delude yourself into believing what you want, doesn't change the reality of the millions of Indian women still suffering. It's not sunshine and rainbows for women like you think it is.
\nEnjoy your reddit outrage and fresh air.
\n\nYou find peace then happy for you and millions of women .
\nEnjoy your ignorance. Just because you didn't notice or you didn't see, doesn't mean it didn't exist. And yes, women will be happy, why wouldn't they be? Because someone showed how inlaws and spouses use passive aggressive ways to demean a woman, to make her work like a dog, even when they can afford that stuff easily?
\nBut she never had problem cooking food she even tried her best.Problem arised when she was never appreciated like the biryani scene but was constantly nitpicked for her small mistakes and wasn't even allowed to keep a maid or cook ok we know that a person has to take care of his/her own house himself/herself but that doesn't mean you cannot get help from outside.Second problem arised when her passion for dance wasn't respected she wasn't allowed to do job by her father in law.Third problem was that her consent for sexual pleasures wasn't even considered he just started he didn't even cared whether she was happy in the end or not and when she told him he got hurt and his behaviour got ruder and for the point that men doesn't get appreciation but they were treated as the most imp people in the house they were respected,their work was respected,they couldn't even get their clothes by themselves those were also chosen by their wives.Appreciation doesn't always have to be vocal it can be shown by actions as well which was being shown by the ladies with their actions but from the manchilds of the house appreciation nah they were rather being taken for granted and disrespected.
\nActually, most people are like that only. They don't understand that we should appreciate others when they do some good or something that works well. It's our job to let them know that please do some praise and help and understand our perspective as well. This will give them a chance to undertand your side as well and then they will try. It will be difficult at first but with time it will be normal. But if didn't explain our side to them and expect them to do it then wouldn't this be unfair like we have ego why we let them know they should understand it by themselves? The problem is if they had understood by themselves they would have appriated already at the first place but no so it' our responsibility to aware their them. If even after try they don't make any changes or efforts then it's their fault completly but without try blaming others is not good for nothing. That's not how relationships are built and sustain.
\n\nWomen can do that because they expect it so they understand the importance of it. Men don't expect it so they don't understand the importance by themselves. Therefore it's women's responsibility to make them aware. It can be a mother/wife/sister or anyone. Not necessarily wife only. But the key is to make them aware that men don't have this by nature as it's more of a feminine trait rather than masculine.
\nSo sad...
\nDimag ghutno me h op ka bhi aur es aurat ka bhi. Bina es movie ko samjhe which highlighted the oppression apne 2 kodi kw views dene agye and incels to wese bhi es movie ko misandry-promoting propaganda smjh rhe hain to es aurat ko Green forest announce kr diya.
\nAisi badsurat ladkiyaan male validation ke liye hi jeeti hain \n\ud83d\udc2e \ud83d\udc04
\nwah looks se demean krdia waah
\nab chor inka kaam hi aur kya hai ranu mandal jaisi shakal hoti hai khud ki lekin doosro ke shaqal ko kosegi
\nab chor inka kaam hi aur kya hai ranu mandal jaisi shakal hoti hai khud ki lekin doosro ke shaqal ko kosegi
\nAise ban rhe hai log comments mein jaise khud kabhi kisi ke looks ke baare mein nhi bola ho ladai hone par \ud83d\ude12
\nmuje dusro ka nahi , maie kbhi kisi ke looks/finacial status/personal life pe kabhi kuch nahi bola , na bolunga
\n\nye sab cheeze temporary hai , aaj uske paas nahi hai , sayad kal mere paas nahi honge
\ngoes a long way to show how women let emotions over facts determine their judgment
\nFace se kisi ko judge karna kar sakte ho lekin jo baate achi bol rha hai usko galat bolna ye sahi nahi hai \ud83d\ude36
\nBhaad mein jao sab main bahut understanding ban gyi sab ke liye ab kisi ka achha nhi karungi.
\ndekhke lagta bhi nhi hai tu karti hogi accha\ud83e\udd23
\nUpar se yeh puri baat nhi bol rhi \nUs ladki ke dance video delete na karne par ghar se nikalne ki dhamki\nUs ladki ke sath painful sex wali baat\nGhar mein bahut ka khaana "chugne" wali baat\nPura nhi batayegi na kyunki abhi shaadi nhi hui hai\nAbhi to bf ke liche paagal hogi jab naukarani ban jaayegi tab royegi \nWorking aurat ki aur halat kharab hoti hai yeh nhi batayegi chutiya ladki.
\nYour point is valid but bringing her looks into it wasn't a good decision. I agree w you tho, that she completely ignored all the things you just mentioned
\nWo nahi samjega/samjegi , uske commets dekho
\nKuch galat nhi bola Maine jaisi karni waisi bharni faltu baat karegi to kuch to bolungi hi na waisi bhi shakal to kharab hai ladkon se mysogynistic baatein karke hi validation legi.
\nTo jinki shakal kharab hai unka koi opinion dene ka haq nahi hai?
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\nsaale bot
\nMaine clearly bola hai ki faltu baat karoge to koi na koi kisi na kisi dosri baat pe call out kar hi dega.
\nwo uska opinion hai , ye aapka opinion hai , do opionon exist kr sakte hai , do opinion alag ho sakte hai , iska matlab ye nahi hai ki kisi ko looks ko leke demean hi krdo.
\n\nBaaki aap nahi samjhoge I know , jo krna hai kro .. muje kya
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\nfir aagya ?
\nChalo main manti hoon I should have not commented on her looks but yeh baaki baatein meri puri sahi hai kuch galat nhi hain.
\nYou all boys go away. SHE IS MINE!!!
\nShe assumes all women marry men just because they are well-settled.- the gold digger logic.
\n\nHer whole mentality is straight out of the WhatsApp aunty playbook\u2014stuck in the four walls of her kitchen, neighborhood gossip, and family drama. The moment you bring up broader societal issues, her brain willl short-circuit.
\n\nHer entire thought process is reactionary, not analytical. She\u2019s not thinking about why things are the way they are- she\u2019s just defending the status quo because it\u2019s all she\u2019s ever known.
\nCriticize arguments by criticizing the arguments not the argumentator, if u have any valid points/arguments to add, then write those arguments instead of going "she's a whatsapp aunty, so what she's saying stupid", there was no need to go personal, it only shows that u don't have any logical arguments, so you're countering her by trashing her personally(WhatsApp aunty, stuck in 4 walls, family drama, gossip), there was literally NOTHING in your comment which were logically countering her.
\n\nI too disagree with a lot of points she said but provide legitimacy to your arguments by criticizing her arguments and not by trashing the argumentator, personally, it only tells about you and your thought process.
\nRehen de bhai, ye ladka bachha hai abhi kuch din phele bhi mene isse reply manga tha, ye brainwashed hai. Iska pass koi reference nai. Na hi kuch logic hai sab nonsense bolta hai ye. Aur ye disra reply bhi nai karega dekhna because iske pass kuch hai hi nai apne argument ko prove karne ke liye.
\n\n\n\nshe's a whatsapp aunty, so what she's saying stupid
The whole point of "WhatsApp graduate" is to say that they're in an illiterate eco chamber where they reflect off of each others already validated ideas. At this point it's not even a personal attack since it DOES bring about a very legitimate point that people who are enclosed in their own world are deemed to say stupid shit.
\n\n\n\n\nthere was literally NOTHING in your comment which were logically countering her.
There's nothing in her arguments to be ACTUALLY countered. She made a strawmann which would obviously appease the audience she wants to appease and bring her views. Or if she actually believes in them then she is a typical "society aunty" judging girls for not being like them.
\nFirst of all I'm gonna repeat myself, CRITICIZE THE ARGUMENT BY CRITICIZING THE ARGUMENT AND NOT BY CRITICIZING THE ARGUEMNTOR, why and how does it matter to u what are his/her sources? If u couldn't prove her wrong then you've lost the argument,it doesn't matter where her knowledge comes from or her mindset, these are logical arguments and not some concrete data where u need sources to prove legitimacy of your argument. It's like institutions asking your coaching centres name before giving u admission, which is stupid cuz IT DOESN'T MATTER where u obtained your knowledge from, if u perform in exam u will get the seat, same way, in an argument, if u couldn't counter arguments then you are wrong, as simple as that, u wouldn't and shouldn't say you've learned from road side coaching centres so you are not eligible for this institution or her knowledge is fake.
\n\n\n\n\nThere's nothing in her arguments to be ACTUALLY countered.
Well if there's nothing to counter in her arguments then you shouldn't be disagreeing to her to begin with. And you made the same mistake again by saying "aunty", so what? Is there any rule that states "Everything said by an aunty" is wrong? If think that aunty said something wrong, then prove that "something" is wrong with logic & reasoning not by saying "she's aunty, so obviously everything she says is wrong"
\n\nNow what u said about strawmanning is appreciated atleast u made some argument which is ACTUALLY criticizing her arguments and I kinda agree with u,I never actually endorsed that woman in the video fyi, this is what I literally wrote in my first comment(u guys are mistaking me that I'm actually supporting that woman)
\n\n"I too disagree with a lot of points she said but provide legitimacy to your arguments by criticizing her arguments"
\n\nbut I have my own opinions regarding this and I neither totally agree with your strawmanning argument nor I totally oppose it, cuz I kinda believe, that movie made some good points but also exaggerated a lot of things, but whatever
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You don't have to repeat yourself, you need the read the ARGUMENT presented which did answer back this argument you put before.
\n\n\n\n\nwhy and how does it matter to u what are his/her sources?
?? Is that something which needs to be told?? Your sources are BASICALLY where you get your information from. If someone's giving you an INFORMATION the most basic common sense is to ask "hey where did you get that from?"
\n\n\n\n\nIf u couldn't prove her wrong then you've lost the argument,it doesn't matter where her knowledge comes from or her mindset
It's not a 2 + 2 = 5 situation, things don't work like that.
\n\n\n\n\nthese are logical arguments and not some concrete data where u need sources to prove legitimacy of your argument.
Doesn't mean the source of it can't be criticised or the argument ACTUALLY makes sense. As said before, the whole point of calling out the WhatsApp part is to say that they're living in a regressive eco chamber where they validate one another and bounce off these mindsets.
\n\n\n\n\nIt's like institutions asking your coaching centres name before giving u admission, which is stupid cuz IT DOESN'T MATTER where u obtained your knowledge from, if u perform in exam u will get the seat, same way, in an argument, if u couldn't counter arguments then you are wrong, as simple as that, u wouldn't and shouldn't say you've learned from road side coaching centres so you are not eligible for this institution or her knowledge is fake.
At least try to make better analogies. An institute takes an exam before letting you, on the other hand, what you did is an unwitting self goal.
\n\nPeople DO care where you gain your knowledge from which is why IITs are considered a top pick for many companies, regardless of the fact that the education isn't as different.
\n\n\n\n\nWell if there's nothing to counter in her arguments then you shouldn't be disagreeing to her to begin with.
I don't think you're actually reading replies. There's nothing coherent to counter in her arguments, any dumb person with an ability to speak can spew crap, doesn't mean it's coherent.
\n\n\n\n\nAnd you made the same mistake again by saying "aunty", so what?
So, she's spewing what's expected of aunties. Regressive, dated and ridiculous shit.
\n\n\n\n\nIs there any rule that states "Everything said by an aunty" is wrong?
As far as social contract and social issues are concerned it's an unofficial rule for the most part.
\n\n\n\n\nIf think that aunty said something wrong, then prove that "something" is wrong with logic & reasoning not by saying "she's aunty, so obviously everything she says is wrong"
There are social clues and short hand that come into existence depending upon the culture of that particular society. When we call someone an "aunty" it's mostly understood what that person is and what we want to convey about them. We don't always have to construct arguments from scratch about everything.
\n\n\n\n\nbut I have my own opinions regarding this and I neither totally agree with your strawmanning argument nor I totally oppose it, cuz I kinda believe, that movie made some good points but also exaggerated a lot of things, but whatever
What point is "exaggerated"? Coz you don't see it happening? Or it's not apparent to you? There's NOT one good point made here or by people here in general.
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\nGirl/boy do u realise how dumb u are?
\n\n\n\n\nIt's not a 2 + 2 = 5 situation, things don't work like that.
It definitely would, if u can't prove her wrong, then you're lost, as simple as that, that's how world works and same goes for debates
\n\n\n\n\nAt least try to make better analogies
You're supposed to have brain \ud83e\udde0 to understand that analogy and it was an anology, it was not supposed to be taken literally.(Yeah I know I'm just contradicting myself by personally attacking u, cuz I'm just annoyed atp, repeating the same shit again and again).
\n\n\n\n\nIs that something which needs to be told?? Your sources are BASICALLY where you get your information from. If someone's giving you an INFORMATION the most basic common sense is to ask "hey where did you get that from?"
This is not how logical debates are done, Idk if u know about how logical, ethical/moral and theoretical debates are done.Sources mostly matter in theoretical debates cuz u literally are trying to prove something concrete, so u show research papers or articles to back up your claims. But in our kind of discussions which are mostly around morals(how women should be treated etc), it's all a bit subjective and bunch opinions, so idk what "authentic sources" you would provide for these kinds of arguments.
\n\nAlso, in logical arguments, weight is given only and only to your arguments and not your background. Is there a high probability or chances that u gonna make good points if u graduate from IIT? sure, but it's just chances and probabilities at the end of the day and not a given. Seriously u should know more about Debates or Arguments, haven't u seriously ever heard of "Ad hominem"? And this is a falacy and not truth and above guy and you are just trying to create a fallacy by bringing her"whatsapp university thing, stuck between 4 walls, gossiping aunty" thing.
\n\nLike imagine a scenario where an IITian argues that 2+3=4(It's definitely close to impossible but it has non-zero chance of happening) and some random college guy is arguing that it's actually 2+3=5 and he actually learnt this from WhatsApp, so now you're gonna support the IIT guy cuz he's from IIT and other guy learnt it from WhatsApp? To avoid these kind of situations,there are proper ways and structures formulated to have a meaningful and productive debates and Arguments. We should never judge a person from his background and his motives, it just leads to an unproductive debate and just focus on arguments and arguments alone.
\n\nAnd your other below points don't seem to have any substance in them, you're basically spewing same shit again and again even after replying.
\n\n\n\nGirl/boy do u realise how dumb u are?
Talking to you I seem quite smart tbh...
\n\n\n\n\nIt definitely would, if u can't prove her wrong, then you're lost, as simple as that, that's how world works and same goes for debates
Debates don't end in decisive victory or defeat, it's not an actual war. Debates on topics go on for ages you've got to be juvenile to not know the basics.
\n\n\n\n\nYou're supposed to have brain \ud83e\udde0 to understand that analogy
You're supposed to have a brain to make analogies that are actually accurate, something which unfortunately for you seems to be lacking.
\n\n\n\n\n.(Yeah I know I'm just contradicting myself by personally attacking u, cuz I'm just annoyed atp, repeating the same shit again and again).
You're not annoyed coz you're repeating, you're annoyed coz you're outta your depth kid.
\n\n\n\n\nThis is not how logical debates are done, Idk if u know about how logical, ethical/moral and theoretical debates are done.
They most definitely are done that way. Logical or any debate for that matter includes what your sources are, from where are you deriving your points and arguments from, how authoritative are they etc. The fact that this needs to be told again and again gives me the impression that you don't know how basic debates work.
\n\n\n\n\nBut in our kind of discussions which are mostly around morals(how women should be treated etc), it's all a bit subjective and bunch opinions, so idk what "authentic sources" you would provide for these kinds of arguments.
"Authentic sources" here would mean something like, religion, rationale etc. "I heard it from somewhere" is not authentic in any sense and wouldn't be accepted anywhere as an argument. Even in subjectivity you'd have some kind of source from where you derive your logic from and how strong your argument is would depend upon what the source is.
\n\n\n\n\nAlso, in logical arguments, weight is given only and only to your arguments and not your background.
There ABSOLUTELY no debate where sources wouldn't come up at some point.
\n\n\n\n\nSeriously u should know more about Debates or Arguments, haven't u seriously ever heard of "Ad hominem"? And this is a fallacy
Fallacy doesn't NECESSARILY negate an argument, this logic itself is fallacious.
If you'd have read the reply, it very clearly stated that the "WhatsApp aunty" trope isn't an ad hominem at this point, it's a short hand. WhatsApp is a metaphor which is obvious to anyone
\n\n\nLike imagine a scenario where an IITian argues that 2+3=4(It's definitely close to impossible but it has non-zero chance of happening) and some random college guy is arguing that it's actually 2+3=5 and he actually learnt this from WhatsApp
\n\nYou're getting lost in semantics like a rat in a maze. "WhatsApp" as a platform isn't important here, the point is people with closed minds and absolutely no logical thinking abilities relying on whatever shit some random ass person says to them till it conforms to their beliefs.
You're contradicting yourself and you don't even seem to realise it. You yourself raised the subjectivity of morality, ethics etc and then you're bringing up objective facts to make a point on subjective issues.
\n\n\nTo avoid these kind of situations,there are proper ways and structures formulated to have a meaningful and productive debates and Arguments. We should never judge a person from his background and his motives, it just leads to an unproductive debate and just focus on arguments and arguments alone.
You know you're on your high horse without having basic abilities to ride one. You're self contradicting, don't understand how short hands work, don't understand metaphors but here you are lecturing on debate quality lol
\nGurl/boy it's obvious that you're just an argumentative person, you're just here to argue and there's no way you'd stop even when I produce logical arguments.
\n\nThe fact that you're still replying to me even when I told u about ad hominem is mind blowing to me, it just shows how much of argumentative person you're. Read that wikipedia page of "Ad hominem".
\n\n\n\n\nOften currently this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than the substance of the argument itself
\n\nThis avoids genuine debate by creating a diversion often using a totally irrelevant, but often highly charged attribute of the opponent's character or BACKGROUND
Don't u think the above guy was attacking the women's character and her motives by saying she seeks male audience and her background, we don't give fuck about her background, if u couldn't counter her, you've lost the argument, we don't care about her character or her background and where she studied from. Will someone's academic achievements make them probable to give good arguments, sure but end of the day everything depends on your arguments and not on your academic background. If u can't counter her u lost the argument and idk why this simple thing isn't entering your brain.
\n\nAnd yeah I agree that, arguments will always last forever, someone might come up with good counter arguments some day but untill then, what I proved would be right.
\n\n\n\n\nThere ABSOLUTELY no debate where sources wouldn't come up at some point.
Nope, there are absolute logic arguments where u build from the bottom, defining everything and questioning every axiom and from what I see your definition of "logical arguments" stems from a bunch of amateur online redditors, you've no clue about absolute "logics", where there are no sources and it only starts from a premise. And I double down on my claim that moral/ethical debates wouldn't and shouldn't need "sources", there are no universally agreed moral books, what kinda "authentic sources" u gonna provide in a moral debate? Religious books, well that's such a dumb argument, do u show geeta as a proof of existence of krishna to Muslim argumetator, he won't even care what geeta says,lol.
\n\n\n\n\n"Authentic sources" here would mean something like, religion, rationale etc. "I heard it from somewhere" is not authentic in any sense and wouldn't be accepted anywhere as an argument. Even in subjectivity you'd have some kind of source from where you derive your logic from and how strong your argument is would depend upon what the source is.
Nope. It literally is the definition of "subjective", what's "authentic source" u gonna bring up? Abdul Kalam said so it's true? At the end of the day, it's humans whi are experiencing these feelings and emotions and Humans are prone to mistakes, so idk what "source" you're talking about.
\n\n\n\n\n"I heard it from somewhere" is not authentic in any sense and wouldn't be accepted anywhere as an argument
OMG, now I understood why u aren't getting anything what I say, you are confusing sources with the argument itself. "Source " is something that can trigger a thought in your mind and that's where your thought started, which u are using for in an argument, it need or NEED NOT be the argument itself, like if your claim is "India has 2.1 fertility rate", you've lot of data to back up your claim and in this case, your source is literally what your argument is about, in this case "I heard it somewhere" is definitely the source cuz that's where your thought started including your argument, but your claims will only have weight with your arguments and arguments alone. Like "seeing an apple fall" was the source of thoughts and theories newton discovered, but when newton is explaining his theory would anyone say "seeing apple fall is a stupid source, so your arguments and theories have no logic"? Nope everyone would criticize his claims by sticking to the arguments and arguments alone like how would he explain about things in space or around blackhole or things moving with speed of light.
\n\nI don't understand how and why I'm wasting my time and effort on some random stranger but I'm gonna write my previous anology one last time in more detail and hope u would get what I mean.
\n\nImagine a guy A from good coaching centre and other guy B from road side coaching centre, if there was any entrance exam, no institution would give credit blindly to A just cuz he's from good coaching centre, if B proves his worth on the D day and gave right and answers to the questions then he'd be given the seat instead of A. Now is there high probability that people from good coaching centres will score good marks, yes definitely. But that B guy might even be home schooled but if he's showing more knowledge than A, then he'll definitely be favoured, it doesn't matter where u come from, where u studied from or anything, if u are showing good knowledge and giving right answers on D-day then you'll be given a seat. Same way, you might be the best scholar in the country but u can't counter the arguments of some random chapri then you've lost the argument, you can't just say "I have phd from this institute, so whatever I say is right", you've to show your "rightness" in your arguments. There are many proverbs to support this too, "Don't judge a book by it's cover", "correlation doesn't equal to causation" etc, and the above guy, literally wrote about her character, motives and background(Ad hominem) and used that to argue that she's wrong, instead of focusing on actual arguemnt itself.
\n\nNow, I don't have efforts and all the time in the world to keep arguing with u all day and I hope these arguments might convince u, if they didn't, it doesn't matter anyway, u do u.
\nrehen de bhai/behen abhi iss sab ke chutiya log mass downvote karne ate hi honge in bhosad bhadwo mein logical thinking skills nahi h ye wo hi log h jjo animal k cool sigma edit dekh ke orgasm hojata tha
\nKarne do downvotes inko, the more they downvotes, the more it makes me happy. pata toh chalega, kitano ki jali
\ndownvote se kyu darna
\ndownvote se darne lage to reddit chhodna padega
I agree with each sentence of hers
\nyou must be suffering from heavy brain damage then
\nAbhi ladkiya aake iski post me PICK ME BEHAVIOUR comment karengi
\nYeah because it is. Focus on the broader issues of the movie. Uss ldki ko shuru se khana bnane mein dikkat nhi thi, na hi usko din bhar appreciation chaiye thi, she just wanted to be treated with respect jo use ratti bhar nhi milta tha waha. Uske pati nhi usko baar baar force kiya usne reaction diya toh gussa hokar chala gya. Usne keh rkha tha she wanted to work BEFORE MARRIAGE but shadi ke baa djab ye mudda uthaya toh uske sasur ne mana kr diya. This movie is for the millions of women who face this in an indian household. How they're trapped and how passively all that happens.
\n\nLook around, you will find women who face this. Most girls are supporting it because either they have faced it, or have seen someone facing this.
\nYaar iss ladki ka koi social media link post krro everyone show support
\nSupport krke kya mile ga... Maje lo comment ke
\nWho is she\nHardin reddit feed pe ati he
\nYe r/askIndianwomen mein post kardo.
\nConclusion of this ranting :- agar tumhari maa ne problem face ki h tum bhi karo seriously girl ,\nAnd also i don't even watch that movei .........but all sigma and toxic male she is a pick me and if see is a green flag i am proud for being a red flag .\ud83e\udd70\n Also boys and girls if u can , pls take a stand for ur mother and appreciate her and help her in house chores ..............these things literally make their whole day \u2764\ufe0f
\nMy opinion is that if women in your family have to make food and do house chores against their will then that means you are poor and can't afford a house help. This motivates me to earn enough where no women in my family have to do house chores if they don't want to.
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\n"Men are gonna love this one" ahh post. Its simple, if they can't respect and appreciate then why to make things hard for her. She helped her husband and didn't atleast disrespect him or discount his hardwork