my crush probably hates me now
Today I finally started having small talk with my crush. She’s a nice girl (I mean duh). She was sitting alone today, her friend was absent which made it easier for us to talk ( asking for pen, notes and all) so yeah. The day was going very nice but in the last class the professor was teaching some shit, and the professor was facing the board and me and bros were fucking around and we both ( me and bro) ended up laughing out loud (my crush was sitting alone on the front seat). The prof stopped the lecture and made everyone stand up, wasted whole class, kept asking who was it and blah blah and that she even heard some girl laughing as well (not true) the professor knew it was us but she was mad why no one was saying anything. The prof ended up calling other male prof and she then pointed out my crush saying that she was sitting infront of us and she should had said something. My crush tried to put her point that she couldn’t just accuse anyone without any proof, but they both kept cutting her off. They said many things like - I’m disappointed in you and all (she’s a good student) also that she’s a girl she should understand. She cried silently a lil too. I was standing outside the gate to apologise but she stared at me and just left. I’m so mad at everything. She didn’t deserve this.
Edit: guys she texted me😭😭😭😭😭😭 “Hey (my name)” “Don’t feel bad ‘bout today.. mujhe pata tha you wanted to koi baat nahi” “ Khair Kal milte h Byie”