Do you think the government uses shows like this to drip bits of the truth?

Context: I’ve been studying the topic of the greys lately. From what I gather so far:

-Many say they are humans from a future timeline where humans destroyed the earth. This is why they warn us about the importance of taking care of the earth.

-Another view (not necessarily mutually exclusive) is that they were humanoid-like beings created by the Anunnaki to serve them. However they were abandoned after the Anunnaki transcended to a higher density of consciousness (different plane of physicality).

-They are understood to only have 5 chakras compared to humans 7. The greys lack a sacral and heart chakra. As such they cannot feel emotions and cannot reproduce. Many say they genetically modified themselves (or were modified) to maximize intelligence and psychic powers.

-There’s conflicting views on whether their intents are benevolent or selfish in nature. Some say they are imposing their genetics on us to ensure their own survival since they are on the brink of extinction in their timeline and do not have a planet of their own to evolve on within a supportive ecosystem. Others say that we need to hybridize with them in order evolve in time to avoid the timeline where we destroy the earth and become them. There is debate on whether their genetics are beneficial to human evolution or a violation of the prime directive (law of non-interference).

This is a summary of the main info I’ve gathered so far. What do you think? And what view or understanding of the greys and their hybrid program do you have?