So, I got a total of 87%ile in the first attempt, which was far less than what I was expecting (I am a dropper too 🤦🏻). The good thing is, most of my syllabus has been completed, so I have a good shot at revising everything, doing PYQs and then give the 2nd attempt, that is, if I don't waste my time and study properly. Only reason I am putting this post is, to keep my own accountability, I'll put posts like this in the middle to give an update and to also track my own progress. My target for 2nd attempt is 150+ (idk how realistic that is) but considering the syllabus is complete, it's worth giving a shot. My plan rn is to revise full syllabus and do PYQs in the next 7-8 days of all chapters then give January papers as mocks and track my score with that. Any advices to improve my score will be appreciated, thanks. :)