We had an argument now. Am I at fault?

Little backstory: Spending time together was always an issue on my part in the sense that I wanted more. I want to feel like that we are a couple and not just roommates. I talked to him about it many times and the last time he told me that I need to figure out what I want to do and tell him and it's gonna be fine. I had a hard time to believe him, because that same conversation happened before and if I asked for time together after it was never okay anyway.

Last weekend he spent roughly 10 hours playing with the boys (daily average is about 5-7 hours) and I felt a bit alone so on monday I asked him if he wants to watch a movie with me. He said it's fine.

2 hours later when we were in bed, I asked him if he has a wish or an idea of what he wants to watch. He said that he forgot that we agreed on doing something together and took out his contact lenses already. I got a bit upest and thought that "Yep. Once again it won't happen what I asked for". He immediately realized that I got irritated and put lenses back and we watched something. He was huffin' and puffin' the whole way through it and I wasn't happy either.

I told him the next day that I felt hurt by his behaviour and told him that I thought it is a bit unfair that he can spend so much time with others in front of the screen, but if I ask for time that's just a source of annoyance. He didn't apologize, just smiled at me and said that a person (who he already played for 4 hours that day) expressed a need to play more, so he is gonna do that.

This week I took a step back and I was a bit more distant than usual, because I was trying to process what happened and how much it hurt. Not just this one particular time, but the pattern of how these situations usually go. He indirectly called me depressive.

Today after dinner he asked me if I want to watch a movie together in the weekend. I hesitated with my answer and told him that maybe. And told him that I still have a hard time letting go of the previous weekend. He got upset and told me to have it my own way and it's up to me and he stormed into his computer room. I went after him and asked what can I do, because I feel like if I request time that's not good, if I feel hurt and don't immediately accept his offer, that's not good either. He said it's just be up to me.

I don't know if I did something wrong with hesitating and bringing last weekend up again. I just feel like things are fine to do if they happen on his terms. I felt like as if he is saying that even if I feel hurt I should accept time happily when he is offering it.

It is gonna be tension for a few days between us again, because he will be upset. I won't be able to talk to him because he gonna be even more upset if I bring it up.

Is it my fault? Was it his attempt of apologizing and I blew it? Should I apologize now?