Should I just forget about going to grad school at KSU if i have an academic integrity report?

I dont want to talk about too many details bc i dont know if this is actually gonna happen, but our professor is basically accusing near our entire class of cheating for abusing his “open notes” policy.

He hasn’t elaborated yet, but I have no clue whats gonna happen. I didn’t think I did anything wrong at the time, but based on what he said he’s upset about after “explaining his rules better” I think i may be part of the “90%” of the class he thinks cheated.

I have no clue rly what happens next, he said hes “looking into how far he can take this,” but plans to take this up as high as he can with the university IF he is able too.

I know DW’s, expultion, 0’s (informal outcome), and even a whole case is possible, but I dont know what route he’s going with this or if he’s even gonna persue it at all since hes “still researching” when he can do about this bc apparently hes never had an “entire class” cheat.

But in the scenario I do get in some sort of formal trouble, if anything at all goes on my record or transcript of whatever happens. Should I just look for another school for grad school? I have a 3.8 GPA and im in the process of getting what I’ve been told should be a good internship, but if they see this im assuming its an instant deny to a grad program.

Just was wondering if someone can confirm or deny because depending on how this goes I might be restructuring my entire future soon lol.