Announcing a new rule for the subreddit regarding low effort content

I'm sure everyone has seen the influx of "brainrot" posts and the like. Yes, I am looking at you, Pearto.png. There's also been some frustration around seeing them flooding the r/KasaneTeto subreddit, and we've decided to create a new rule to address these kinds of posts. Starting today, low effort edit posts/memes and reposting of trends like Pearto will have to take place elsewhere, such as on the new r/AlarmoffTeto.

Just engaging in a trend isn't inherently against this rule (for example, if you're an artist and you make a drawing of Pearto, generally that's still fine!). You just have to add something more to the conversation than pasting a few pngs together with impact font text underneath or the like.

No, this doesn't mean the mod team hates your posts if you made a funny edit of Teto into some popular meme format, this just isn't the place for them anymore. If there are any questions or concerns, absolutely ask in the comments of this post and we will address them.