Me and my old man.
Apparently It's becoming evident that me and my old man are going further parallel as life goes by.
I'm 25(M) and I'm having a difficult rshp with my father.
It all started when I was joining form 1 got a calling letter from a prestigious school in Western but old man preferred a mixed school in Uasin Gishu. Since wasn't paying the fees I obliged and schooled there for a year. On January going to my form two I requested for a transfer since I hated the school plus it was strictly a Seventh-Day Advent school. I told my folks about it and it drew a heated argument which ended with my dad saying I'm not going to transfer while he's still alive. Because I insisted, they said I go for an interview to a school in Western Kenya which I passed.
So since then my Dad seemed to have uprooted himself in my life. He never admitted me, never came to see me in school, never bothered about the results until I finished form 4 which also at that time I didn't care if he cared or not. Joined campus 2018 and he never questioned the course I chose to do in campus nor talked about anything about my campus until I finished. He never attended graduation nor sent a small congratulatory message.
I got into freelancing and made good money luckily last year and I managed to acquire a piece of land. What's of concern is that he's never inquired nor visited the land. Only my mum and siblings. Any attempts to reconnect with him is just futile because he didn't used to pick my calls in campus to the point I stopped calling him.
I miss my Dad but I feel like it's about time I give it is what it is.
What do you think?