Stranger: Kutuma fare vs paying akifika

Incoming. This is a low quality post

This weekend i was to meet a babes i was chatting with on Tiktok. The conversations became quite explicit and there was definitely a vibe.

While i enjoy sex. I didn't want to have a stranger in my house so i offered to take her on a coffee date in Kilimani.

The babe is employed but doesn't earn that much and lives in Mlolongo. We set the date for Saturday at 4pm

On the day of, baby girl is like "tuma fare nikuje". I send her 300 and then she retorts with "imagine uber ni 720. Tuma 800". I tell her if she wants to use an uber I'll either: a) pay the driver on arrival. b) order from my phone since my uber is linked to card.

The baby girl flips out on me and tells me i have trust issues and i should just send her the money. But remember, I've never met this person in my life and all our interactions thus far have been online.

At which point i start to feel frustrated and tell her not to come and decided to take myself out on the date... but my only question is what is the difference between ordering the ride for the person and sending them the money? Also... when did the uber entitlement come in. I would understand if it was at night. But it was literally 4pm