Day 4 Of Asking Who Is The Villian Of This Episode: Hank's Unemotionalable Problem

Everyone vote in the comments who is the villian of this episode! Not every episode has a clear cut villian or a villian it all, so it will be fun to see what creative reasons people come up with!

🔴One Rule🔴 The character must be a part of the main cast or recurring character. This is so that villians who only appear in one episode like Caleb or Junie Harper can't be chosen as it would be too obvious a choice

Google Episode Description:

Hank becomes a vegetarian to help his constipation. His intestinal issues cause Peggy great concern, as well as everyone else in Arlen. A visit to the doctor proves to be embarrassing as Hank is questioned by his friends.

Everyone vote in the comments who is the villian of this episode! Not every episode has a clear cut villian or a villian it all, so it will be fun to see what creative reasons people come up with!

🔴One Rule🔴 The character must be a part of the main cast or recurring character. This is so that villians who only appear in one episode like Caleb or Junie Harper can't be chosen as it would be too obvious a choice

Google Episode Description:

Hank becomes a vegetarian to help his constipation. His intestinal issues cause Peggy great concern, as well as everyone else in Arlen. A visit to the doctor proves to be embarrassing as Hank is questioned by his friends.