Name change (trans) and name change (marriage) - what order do I do things in??
Hi folks,
I'm a trans woman living in NY (state, but not in NYC - I know they have different laws). I'm engaged, and planning on taking my fiance's surname after marriage. However, I have not yet legally changed my first name. How do I navigate this, and in what order?
Let's say for example that my current legal name is David Jones, and my fiance's is John Smith. I want to change my first name (to, say, Mary) - and take my fiance's last name upon marriage, so my "final" name would be Mary Smith. I would like my marriage license and all possible legal documents to reflect that as well.
What would be the best order to submit these changes in? I see that in NY State you can have a marriage license amended to reflect a name and/or gender marker change, which is great, but I also want to use my marriage license to change my surname (as that's much cheaper than an entire second round of court orders). But, I'm unsure of the order to do things.
Could I theoretically do the following?
a. Fill out the marriage license with my current legal first name and take my spouse's last name, but not update it yet on all my other documents (so marriage license would now reflect a name change to David Smith, but other places like insurance, banks, etc, would not have that information yet and would still have David Jones on file) -then-
b. Legally change my first name with a court order, to Mary Jones, then
c. Amend my marriage license to reflect the maiden name of Mary Jones, and married name of Mary Smith
My concerns are that:
a. Some things might 'cancel out' - does legally changing my name to Mary Jones invalidate the ability to adopt the Smith surname after marriage, since it will have been the most recently-issued name? The paperwork when you apply for a name change obviously has you attest to your current legal name - would I be lying if I said David Jones (since my marriage license would say David Smith)?
b. Since I won't have updated my other documents (e.g., insurance, bank) - will it pose a problem if I try changing my information from David Jones to Mary Smith in one go? For example if I want to update my name with my bank/insurance, could I provide them with (certified) copies of my court name change order and my marriage certificate? Or would I need to update my first name with them and then my surname separately? What about things like Social Security? (I know updating my gender/sex with them isn't possible right now, but name changes presumably still are)
Should I instead just change my first name before marriage? If I do, would some of the above concerns still hold true? If I got my name change order, got an updated driver's license/birth certificate, and then got married, and then updated my name with SSA/insurance/banking/etc, would that cause problems?
Ultimately I'm hoping to do this as cheaply as possible and with as little back-and-forth as possible, since updating my records everywhere twice-over seems like a nightmare.
Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Apologies for formatting, I'm on mobile.
(edited a couple times for formatting/spacing)
Edit x2: thank you for all the replies! Several people are saying to change both at the time of marriage, but unfortunately you cannot change your first name when you get married in NY, according to official state websites. But I appreciate the willingness to help!