OP got flowers

In case you need a reason to smile today, this is for you :

The other day I was in metro going to the museum and I got a seat (oh boi did I get lucky). I was readin this book (as I always do when I get a seat).

This old man (almost 60) , sittin next to me asked , "are yo liking it? It was my wife's favourite novel of all time." And we talked bout it for the rest of the journey (20 mins or so). Bout books, his deceased wife, sandwiches, Trump and all those things men (shall I say bois since they're not growing up) generally don't want to talk bout (I've experience to back me up, so don't scream bois).

We got out at the same station. I helped him to walk a lil (but he's a strong enough man). Outside the station he bought me sunflowers and said in bangla "never be ashamed of who yo are babu (an affectionate nickname generally used for boys in bangla). He knew even though I skipped my failed love adventures with men throughout the conversation. We said goodbye and I came to realise, again, it's worth being out there. There's still beauty and kindness left in the world. :))

PS : I'm a boy(21) who's evidently effeminate when I speak. It's easier to guess and mock. But I got flowers instead :))