First of all, a big thankss to you all! You people, my people, you all are so sweet and loving enough that you never made me feel as if i was some stranger just posting a snippet of my love story on a random day, the way you all commented and showered it with love, i am so grateful y'all have my heart. I just love writing about my partner, she's a gem, she's one of a kind, i can't help it! (Ik everyone feels like this about their significant other, and they should) but still, can't stop thinking about ways to talk about her, i am new on reddit and never have i ever gotten that safe spot to talk about my life, my love life, but here it feels good.
Few of you asked about how we met, what was it like, umm, firstly it was nothing like a big dramatic entry for either one of us, we met on this app called "Boo", tbh neither one of us used that 4th world app at that time, it was like the least used app in our phones, i was literally having my end sems, i randomly saw her profile and just swiped it right, and never did i ever think that i'd even get to talk with someone so beautiful, elegant, and what not, getting short on words here, and i literally forgot that something like that happened and just went on to give my exams, and then post exams i see this message popping up in my notifications: "someone messaged you on boo", and there it was, her message : "your profile looks cool", damn for few seconds i was like; "whaaaaatttt?!?!?", what am i gonna text to this? I was soo skeptical, i was so not gonna text anything, cus how could i? I had never talked to anyone before, i didn't even know what i was doing on boo at that time, i had just talked to a few of the people from our community and i just was getting to know how that app worked. And there she was, with a "your profile looks cool" text, and trust me i never knew that would be the starting of the mossstt beautiful journey, with the destination being my partner herself! I am sure neither did she know that she'd be getting someone jisko 24o7 reassurance ka zaroorat padega and will cling onto her like an octopus. But it is what it is. We both didn't know what we were signing up for!
My reply to that your profile looks cool was, "heh, ikr!" (Seriously?!? "ikr?", out of all the good replies in this world, i chose to go with ikr?) Ooof, odds were in my favour, she replied with, "ofc you do know right, you silly!" And then we talked about so many things anything but love, for the most part of it, i was just pushing her away, i was being cold, as if i didn't even wanna be with someone soo cool (and hot at the same time) like her! But i did, who wouldn't have? But somewhere it was just me, who felt i didn't deserve such happiness, such a good person by my side. Yet she being the most stubborn person in this world, didn't even try to leave me for being a jerk, i think somewhere she knew i wasn't someone who i was pretending to be, somewhere she could see through all those walls that i have had built around me. For my whole life i have been so insecure about the way i looked, about my voice (it's husky and way low pitched that i just get misgendered at so many times, and it's all good with me now😭😂), and 100 other thingss! I was happy talking with her on texts, but then came the provision of calling, and i was so unsure of whether she'll like my voice or the way i talk?! But the first thing that she said when she heard me was, "woah, you sound so (my heart's galloping like a horse), you sound so goood, just like i'd have portrayed your voice to be, i lovee itt". And damn, even i didn't know how to react to it at that time!?!, did she literally make me feel the most secure about my biggest insecurity or whatt? Yes she did. Lmao. And i still remember we kept on talking and talking that day, neither of us wanted that call to end, ig we might have talked till 6 am in the morning, we just wanted to know everything about each other, everything that happened to either one of us when we were not with each other, every hurt, every happiness, and what not. It was more like we wanted to make up for the lost time, that we didn't even lose. Hahah. And that's how i met my partner. That's how i knew, we knew, that we were meant to be. Trust me, it won't be some grand gestures to make you feel sure, rather just some many small and not so significant things that will make you feel the most sure with time!
And it was in july that we first talked, and it was in december that i went to meet her for the first time, the bessttt day in my life, when i saw her for the first time, i couldn't stop myself from hugging her, but the amount of awkwardness i had in myself, that idk that hug might have lasted only 2 seconds or so lmao. But yeah, i remember how we held hands and walked the whole city, we spent our whole day in the park lying over the grass and talking about zodiacs and mythology and our favourite food. I laughed, i laughed so much that day with her, i never had my picture taken while laughing, or even smiling, always had a sad frown on my face for god knows what reasons heheh, but with her, it's never like that, alwaysss smiling, the happiest when i am around her, (this picture itself is from that day only, one of my favourite pictures of her with me)
Fast forward to 2 years from that day to thiss, can't thank god enough that i ended up with her, not a day has gone by when we haven't talked our hearts out, we talk, we talk soo much, about so many things, and at times about nothing. We do fight, we do argue, and tbh fighting with her is so tough, i just can't, wo kyaa hai na ki pyaar ka itna aadat lagg gaya hai, that fights seem like end of the world for the both of us, so we just refrain from fighting, and even if by some chance we do, we reconcile within hours, cuz in the end of the day it's just us over anything and anyone in this world, and that feeling has been constant since day 1, idk how did i get so lucky, but i did. I was someone who barely even used to read any book apart from my academics, she's a big time reader, i remember reading White Nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky, and telling her bout it, talking to her about one of her favourites just to get brownie points from her, and we were already 1 year into our relationship that time, we never stopped flirting with each other, we never stopped trying to be even more better than we were yesterday for our partner. I mean that's how it should be, be with someone jiske liye daily kuch naya krne ka mann kre, jiske liye daily mann kre ki woah, i'll do this to impress him/her/them again and againnn! Looking back to from where we started to how much far we have come along, it just feels so good, so sure that i'd be spending my whole life with her.
She's all i have got, and this feeling is mutual, And we both just know this and are working soo hard to close this distance wala gap and finally end this LDR, and i am sure it will happen. Maybe i'll keep y'all posted, maybe i won't. But i hope my storyyy did make y'all feel a little better, life's already hard, but with the right someone it always feels easy, can't wait to be with her 24o7, where i wake up to see her face every morning to closing my eyes after seeing her face as the last thing before sleeping. Oooof i love her so much :)
(I am sorryy if i bored you guys with this one, but tbh that's not even 1% of what i can write about my love story, or my life that's been soo good after i met her, will try to post at times, if you're still reading this, thank you! You all matter! You all will also have your own version to tell someday, and i'll make sure i comment down the most heartful message down there in your post, haha. Till then keep your hopes up and keep working on yourself) 🧿🧿
First of all, a big thankss to you all! You people, my people, you all are so sweet and loving enough that you never made me feel as if i was some stranger just posting a snippet of my love story on a random day, the way you all commented and showered it with love, i am so grateful y'all have my heart. I just love writing about my partner, she's a gem, she's one of a kind, i can't help it! (Ik everyone feels like this about their significant other, and they should) but still, can't stop thinking about ways to talk about her, i am new on reddit and never have i ever gotten that safe spot to talk about my life, my love life, but here it feels good.
Few of you asked about how we met, what was it like, umm, firstly it was nothing like a big dramatic entry for either one of us, we met on this app called "Boo", tbh neither one of us used that 4th world app at that time, it was like the least used app in our phones, i was literally having my end sems, i randomly saw her profile and just swiped it right, and never did i ever think that i'd even get to talk with someone so beautiful, elegant, and what not, getting short on words here, and i literally forgot that something like that happened and just went on to give my exams, and then post exams i see this message popping up in my notifications: "someone messaged you on boo", and there it was, her message : "your profile looks cool", damn for few seconds i was like; "whaaaaatttt?!?!?", what am i gonna text to this? I was soo skeptical, i was so not gonna text anything, cus how could i? I had never talked to anyone before, i didn't even know what i was doing on boo at that time, i had just talked to a few of the people from our community and i just was getting to know how that app worked. And there she was, with a "your profile looks cool" text, and trust me i never knew that would be the starting of the mossstt beautiful journey, with the destination being my partner herself! I am sure neither did she know that she'd be getting someone jisko 24o7 reassurance ka zaroorat padega and will cling onto her like an octopus. But it is what it is. We both didn't know what we were signing up for!
My reply to that your profile looks cool was, "heh, ikr!" (Seriously?!? "ikr?", out of all the good replies in this world, i chose to go with ikr?) Ooof, odds were in my favour, she replied with, "ofc you do know right, you silly!" And then we talked about so many things anything but love, for the most part of it, i was just pushing her away, i was being cold, as if i didn't even wanna be with someone soo cool (and hot at the same time) like her! But i did, who wouldn't have? But somewhere it was just me, who felt i didn't deserve such happiness, such a good person by my side. Yet she being the most stubborn person in this world, didn't even try to leave me for being a jerk, i think somewhere she knew i wasn't someone who i was pretending to be, somewhere she could see through all those walls that i have had built around me. For my whole life i have been so insecure about the way i looked, about my voice (it's husky and way low pitched that i just get misgendered at so many times, and it's all good with me now😭😂), and 100 other thingss! I was happy talking with her on texts, but then came the provision of calling, and i was so unsure of whether she'll like my voice or the way i talk?! But the first thing that she said when she heard me was, "woah, you sound so (my heart's galloping like a horse), you sound so goood, just like i'd have portrayed your voice to be, i lovee itt". And damn, even i didn't know how to react to it at that time!?!, did she literally make me feel the most secure about my biggest insecurity or whatt? Yes she did. Lmao. And i still remember we kept on talking and talking that day, neither of us wanted that call to end, ig we might have talked till 6 am in the morning, we just wanted to know everything about each other, everything that happened to either one of us when we were not with each other, every hurt, every happiness, and what not. It was more like we wanted to make up for the lost time, that we didn't even lose. Hahah. And that's how i met my partner. That's how i knew, we knew, that we were meant to be. Trust me, it won't be some grand gestures to make you feel sure, rather just some many small and not so significant things that will make you feel the most sure with time!
And it was in july that we first talked, and it was in december that i went to meet her for the first time, the bessttt day in my life, when i saw her for the first time, i couldn't stop myself from hugging her, but the amount of awkwardness i had in myself, that idk that hug might have lasted only 2 seconds or so lmao. But yeah, i remember how we held hands and walked the whole city, we spent our whole day in the park lying over the grass and talking about zodiacs and mythology and our favourite food. I laughed, i laughed so much that day with her, i never had my picture taken while laughing, or even smiling, always had a sad frown on my face for god knows what reasons heheh, but with her, it's never like that, alwaysss smiling, the happiest when i am around her, (this picture itself is from that day only, one of my favourite pictures of her with me)
Fast forward to 2 years from that day to thiss, can't thank god enough that i ended up with her, not a day has gone by when we haven't talked our hearts out, we talk, we talk soo much, about so many things, and at times about nothing. We do fight, we do argue, and tbh fighting with her is so tough, i just can't, wo kyaa hai na ki pyaar ka itna aadat lagg gaya hai, that fights seem like end of the world for the both of us, so we just refrain from fighting, and even if by some chance we do, we reconcile within hours, cuz in the end of the day it's just us over anything and anyone in this world, and that feeling has been constant since day 1, idk how did i get so lucky, but i did. I was someone who barely even used to read any book apart from my academics, she's a big time reader, i remember reading White Nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky, and telling her bout it, talking to her about one of her favourites just to get brownie points from her, and we were already 1 year into our relationship that time, we never stopped flirting with each other, we never stopped trying to be even more better than we were yesterday for our partner. I mean that's how it should be, be with someone jiske liye daily kuch naya krne ka mann kre, jiske liye daily mann kre ki woah, i'll do this to impress him/her/them again and againnn! Looking back to from where we started to how much far we have come along, it just feels so good, so sure that i'd be spending my whole life with her.
She's all i have got, and this feeling is mutual, And we both just know this and are working soo hard to close this distance wala gap and finally end this LDR, and i am sure it will happen. Maybe i'll keep y'all posted, maybe i won't. But i hope my storyyy did make y'all feel a little better, life's already hard, but with the right someone it always feels easy, can't wait to be with her 24o7, where i wake up to see her face every morning to closing my eyes after seeing her face as the last thing before sleeping. Oooof i love her so much :)
(I am sorryy if i bored you guys with this one, but tbh that's not even 1% of what i can write about my love story, or my life that's been soo good after i met her, will try to post at times, if you're still reading this, thank you! You all matter! You all will also have your own version to tell someday, and i'll make sure i comment down the most heartful message down there in your post, haha. Till then keep your hopes up and keep working on yourself) 🧿🧿