Can daily microdoses of LSD(5-10 ugs) make cannabis high weaker?
So little back story, ive been using LSD daily for osteoarthritis for solid while now. I noticed that I don't get as high off COLORADO cannabis then California cannabis when microdosing. Now I do go couple days without microdosing and on those days I do notice I do get higher off the Colorado cannabis. People have always said cannabis can make LSD a stronger trip, but does daily use of LSD make cannabis high weaker? I'm not a scientist by any means and quite frankly don't know the exacts. Id guess because I'm using my brain up from the LSD that it's making the cannabis "mid"? I smoke about 3× a day with 4-5 hour breaks in between. Thoughts?
Also don't comment "it's your tolerance". Been smoking for 15 years id understand if it was tolerance.