For those who attended the chromatica tour, whats your opinion on it ? 👀
I love to watch full live concerts when I run on the treadmill. This morning I watched the chromatica tour back for the first time (I attended the premiere in Düsseldorf) the video I watched was her performance in Japan.
And ngl I was kinda baffled cause I feel like it was completely different from the show I attended ?
Don’t get me wrong seeing Gaga live is always a pleasure but the show I attended was pretty F mid compared to what I watched lol. Dunno… maybe she was a lil stressed out for the premiere (I remember she went live on IG while prepping to hit the stage and she seemed veryyyyy down and acknowledged she was stressed)
But yeah my experience was pretty mid. She was late, I was let down that there was no opening act, the stage was pretty stale for Gaga and didn’t felt like chromatica to me. And she seemed like she was doing her job if that makes sense. 1h30 and wrapped. (Including her famous long ass interludes lol) she sang beautifully tho but didn’t seem to enjoy herself like in previous shows.
Maybe I’m biased cause it was my first stadium concert, and as a short king (5’5) I really saw her just a couple times and basically watched the whole thing on the screens (thank god they were huge) but yeah it felt really low energy.
Rewatching the Japan one feels like a whole other concert lol.
What was your experience like and thoughts ? Also is she dropping that freaking movie of the concert one day or what ?!