Real Facts vs Stan Dreams - Lisa Marie vs Omer Bhatti
Stan Dreams - Michael Start a Family with LMP and her childrens.
REAL FACT : Michael Jackson will soon leave LMP and his children .. and he will only stay with the little boy with red cap ?
- But why?
Because thats exactly what a pedophile does
Stan Dreams - MJ gives his wife his best outfits and travels with her around the world
REAL FACT : MJ only made a couple of trips with his wife for some charity events and he always brought a special friend (boy) to all of those. however when he traveled with a boy , he traveled exclusively with he or them alone. Example vacations in Europe with the cascio
Guess who he gave that special jacket in which he poses with Lisa?
Stan Dreams I couldn't get a photo with any realistic relationship with any woman after 2000, because MJ only dates the grandoms Liz Taylor or Liza Minnelly... so I use this painting to demonstrate his 100% heterosexuality with his fictional wife in neverland
Real Fact : No words are needed
PD . In September 2024 - The boys whot traveled alone to Switzerland with MJ and accompanied him in his life for almost 2 decades.. sued him for sexual abuse of all his 5 siblings.
- Omer Bhatti has never defended MJ from accusations of pedophilia, his few messages about it have been cryptic and in 2019, after the broadcast of LN, the tattoo he had dedicated to him was erased.