LMP looking perplexed at MJ after he refers to child abuse as having ‘sex’ (1995)
This clip of course was part of the Primetime interview conducted by reporter Diane Sawyer. It featured both MJ and his then wife LMP. I did find this particular part quite interesting. After DS asked MJ if he would continue with the sleepovers with little kids, he made it clear that he would if the children were up for it. He referred to the sleepovers as ‘pure’ & ‘innocent’ and that he did not have any sexual thoughts in his mind.
The thing is that a child and adult engaging in sexual activity is not having sex. It is child abuse/statutory rape, since a child cannot give consent. I think LMP understood this too, as you can clearly see she looked rather puzzled at MJ, when he used the words ‘sex’ instead of ‘abuse’. That’s how I saw her reaction as.