My smooth brain thought Transmog was an Epic Relic.
I gave Nidalee a second Epic Relic Slot when she doesn't really need it. Powercuties' guide recommends Beast Within + Corrupted Star Fragment or Spectral Scissors + Transmog. Since I feel dumb, I want to use those two epic slots. My initial thought was use both Beast Within and Spectral Scissors, but looking at the Epics I have unlocked I came up with this:
I call it "Death by a Thousand (Hyperbole) Impact". I used it to clear the 4-Stars Nautilus Event Adventure, which has Tough on their Nexus. It worked alright... but the lack of Overwhelm was pretty noticeable. And, also, it doesn't builds up to that much Impact. The build lacks OTK potential, but usually the second attack was enough to finish the job, so it felt more like "Death by a Dozen (if you're lucky) Impact".
Nidalee experts: would you reckon Beast Within + Spectral Scissors is a good combo? Or should I own to my brain fart and ignore the second Epic Relic?