Does anyone else struggle with fathoming that anyone could ever love you back?

Just me?

Im such a lovergirl at heart.

I want to dance in the snow, have matching pajamas, shower my girl with affection, sneak silly little notes in her bag, just snuggle and listen to music, make her food when she's sick and care for her, send her reels telling her how much I love her, I want to build I life with someone I can love.

But even in my daydreams, I've never imagined being loved back. Its always me giving love. Being loved by another human in such a pure way is just such a far out there concept to me.

I do want love back but it seems so unrealistic I can't even imagine it.

I don't know why I'm like this. I just don't feel lovable. Even when my friends say they care about me, I can't help but think that they probably love someone more than me. My whole childhood, I was never the best friend. I was the side friend. The backup.

Im not the most beautiful girl. Im not the thinnest or the best at makeup or the most confident or strongest. I just have my brains and (sometimes dark) humor. I wish I was thinner and pretty. I try to eat healthy and stay active. I compensate with clothing. But even then, I'm nothing special. I'm overshadowed by prettier girls. And even my personality isn't the most noticeable. I'm shy and dorky. I'm not great at being fun. I like deep conversations and cozy moments at home. My idea of hanging out is hiking or board games, not going out in down for drinks or fun parties. I just am not a catch and I think it's hard for me to imagine anyone choosing me when there are simply better people than me. And I don't know what to do about that.