Undying Mania {Discussion} SI Sacrifice & Last Breath Deck
After getting sick of playing Heimer and Ez control but not wanting to play hurr-durr aggro decks which are rampant in Gold ranked ladder, I decided to give a shot at building my own deck.
I have always really liked the last breath and sacrifice mechanic of SI whenever I built a deck around it in expedition and thus chose these set of mechanics as my core.
The first two iterations of the deck which were more slated towards Midrange-Control end did not do so well. I tried both Ionia and Freljord for my second regions but only got a win-rate of 45% after testing and tweaking over 20 matches at Gold Elo. The deck would end up losing really hard vs Noxus Aggro match-up while having above 55% winrate vs control matchups. Midrange matchups such as Fearsome SI would end up being a coin-toss.
For my third iteration, I decided to lower the curve way more and got rid of most of my heavy spells and finishers to remove the dead cards in hand vs Aggro in earlier turns. This deck has been much more successful on the ladder with the limited testing I was able to do.
Basically, the win-con is to slam a bunch of 1 cost and 2 cost minions on early turns to stop as much aggro damage as possible followed by landing the delicious sacrifice activators in the form of the Croc or Remitter. Last breath minions are by definition sticky and sacrifice minions help by building a super strong board with the overpowered abilities by turn 5 or 6.
For finishers, there is a Ledros, a bunch of They Who Endure and a Rhasa to be combined with Atrocity.
I would love to have a deeper discussion with you guys and see if we can fine-tune this deck more.