My Warbond tier list.

With a lot of new players and a lot of new "What warbond should i get next" posts, I thought it would be fun to make a tier list based on fun. This is not by best, this is 100% based off of my enjoyment of each, which are most used, etc. Im a lvl 150, that enjoys a good struggle so, some of the best weapons, I don't enjoy using because they take away the struggle. so with that in mind I am going in reverse order and will not be ranking Steeled Veterans but will add footnote at the end.

9- Truth Enforcers. Not much to talk about in this one. The armor looks like ass, the Reprimand is 2 handed submachine gun that is harder to handle than the HMG. The brightest item from this Warbond it the Halt, which would be alot better to use if it was easier to swap ammo. (On PS5 it requires you to stand still in order to swap) But the stun ammo is very clutch, and is definitely a shining example of how utility can outshine power in the game.

8- Freedom's Flame. This one deserves an asterix as it is not bad, i just don't enjoy using fire because it is too good. Side arm flame thrower, primary flame thrower, shotgun that stuns with flame rounds. They are all great but its just not my jam. The only fun lot in this bunch is the booster for Eradicate missions with friends, but other than that situation its a great way to get kicked from a game.

7- Polar Patriots. This one will forever be clouded by the great balancing outcry and debate. The Tenderizer is the second most fun AR in the game with basically zero recoil. The Pummeler is a blast to use, just stun locking them so you and do your will. For me it falls off from there. The Verdict is a fine weapon, incedary impact grenades are fire.

This is where it starts to get hard.

5- Cutting Edge. Easily one of the most powerful warbonds. All of the weapons are bangers. I used both the Blitzer and Punisher in my mid game and just flourished with them. But they just do too much for my liking anymore. The Sickle is a good AR, but its more fun to hear POW POW instead of pew pew, and manage ammo economy so it looses points. The EMS grenade is just about the only thing I use from this warbond anymore because I am a whore for Utility.

5- Urban Legands. I am including the FRV in this, because they dropped about the same time. FRV is some fun ass shit. Stun lance, and baton are some fun ass shit. Leaving a bunch of future use AT emplacements is some fun ass shit. Surprise dopping the Illuminates, and warbond the week before Christmas, was some fun ass shit. Armor looks cool, but the perk is nothing I would value over my favorites.

4- Servants of Freedumb. This one is the absolute spirit of what Helldivers is... Self sacrifice for the greater "Good". The armor is fun, and make normally unpickable boosters optimal. The Ultimatum is fun and has you ammo hungry. Double edge sickle is fun. And the Hellbomb backpack is Hellbomb backpack amount of fun. Like that thing is fun.

3- Democratic Detonation. This is again another top tier best actual Warbond. Adjudicator is the Reprimand but labeled as an AR, but thats the lowlight. Every other weapon in the warbond greatly increases build potentials, by having a spawn closer. It makes Utility items more viable since you have other options. The power the Xbow, Eruptor, and Grenade pistol, get a pass from me because they allow me to use more utility.

2- Chemical Agents. Gas is my favorite utility because it acts as all of the others. It breaks line of sight, It stuns, and It does chip damage. So gas grenade basically lives in my loadout now against all factions. The Dog Breath patch cemented this as my #2, as it basically just makes them all fuck off and fight each other. Sterilizer is fun to use. The Stim pistol is a blast to use!

1- Viper Commando. My go to armor. Makes aiming snappy and also packs a punch for when you get surrounded, as well as making melee a viable strategy. The meth booster is an alway pick. Liberater Carbine is fun AF when paired with the ammo and armor. Bushwacker is way undervalued. Throwing knifes suck compared to their explosive buddies, but have 10x fun factor. This is the only Warbond I will still pick all of its gear for a mission.

0- Steeled Veterans. I decided not to include in my list because I bought it with the game on day 1 so don't consider it, and its changed so much that it's hard to recognize. There are a lot of bright spots, especilly if your early ing the game. Breaker Incendiary is basically the noob toob against but or squids. Senater is dope if you like big iron play, Jar 5 lives up to its name and dominates. But my favorite is the liberator concussive, as it has a huge mag and stuns the shit out dem bitches, because I love my utility.

I doubt this will help anyone, I just wanted to share my thoughts and hear others opinions on fun vs what is good for a change.