The other soon to be announced camera in April..

Just gonna say it - I don't believe we're getting the S1H successor in April (NAB) like many of us have come to expect. Just made that realization a moment ago. And in our fairness it makes little sense that it WOULDN'T be the S1H successor given the timeline and recent release of the photo-centric flagship today so I too share the disappointment that's soon to follow in the coming months.

How could I make this preposterous claim you ask?! Let's just say if you're in any of the various popular Lumix groups (won't name exactly which social media platform as I'm not trying to oust anybody) a certain individual who has affiliations with Lumix (not going to say whether it's an influencer, employee, ambassador, etc) made a passing remark today that made it crystal clear. And despite a minority of folks who truly believe the S1H lineage (or video-centric flagship) has been phased out they are absolutely wrong - again comments made by this same individual in the past make that very clear.

It also tracks with the fact that Andrea from L-rumours recently mentioned that the other camera yet to be announced this year was a "niche and interesting camera" and that it was NOT going to be the S1H successor. When he first stated this it seemed odd and that he was surely mistaken - like how tf is the camera being announced at NAB this year NOT going to be the obvious camera we all think it is?! But again what I read today gave me confirmation.

Lumix darn well knows the "world" is waiting for that elusive S1H successor in whatever form it may come (whether it continues to be a mirrorless form factor or a proper cinema cam) so they're likely taking their sweet ol' time making sure they really make a splash with this release. For whatever reason this year (or at least by April) is certainly not show time. Perhaps they've been tirelessly R&Ding a way to implement internal NDs in conjunction with IBIS? Attempting to secure an exclusive sensor (perhaps NOT from Sony) that gives them what they need in order to realize their vision for this camera? Who knows - I sure don't lmao. But anyone who's stuck around with Lumix long enough knows rather then release every flavor of camera all the time they like to do things (mostly) right even if it takes a painstaking amount of time and at the cost of potentially losing loyal customers to other brands.

For the record I gain absolutely nothing by making this post. I'm a Lumix fanboy currently rocking with the S1H/S5 iix (started with the GH5 which low key still slays even in 2025) and have long been salivating at the thought of the S1H successor for what seems like an eternity. While I am disappointed (assuming my speculation is true) it tames my GAS a bit so I can focus on creating with what I have now.

I actually hope I'm wrong lol. Let's see.