T10 schools ranked by heraldry
I've compiled an objective and fact-based ranking of the best T10 MBA shield crests, for those who will soon get offers and may be needing to choose between multiple acceptances.
HBS - The classic. Powerful. Not sure what the seashells mean but nobody probably noticed them until I said anything.
Booth - Phoenix. Cool as fuck. Next.
Wharton - Copypasted from Penn but don't fix what isn't broken. Also still going with the beach / aquarium theme here. Seems a trend.
Yale SOM - Easily 3rd worst of the Yale schools' shield crests. Design stolen from Registeel.
Tuck - From the perspective of the shield you're supposedly looking at Dartmouth from across the river, which as you know means that you'd be standing in Vermont. Really don't know how to feel about that. Maybe should reconsider.
Columbia - Fish bones. At least vaguely shield shaped. Probably aquatic.
Kellogg - Book, not even a shield. Desperately trying to symbolize that knowledge is power even though in reality money is.
MIT - Killian court isn't a shield, nor is it even part of Sloan. Be honest about who you are and be more creative with names, Building E62. Do better.
Stanford - Tree.
Unranked: Haas - Open a word document, type "Berkeley Haas" and select Garamond font. Please try harder.