I keep reading discourse about the graphics in Wilds I can't put my head on people defending the game on this reddit all the way so this is my opinion of the game being as objective as possible since this is my first MH Wilds game and being really excited about it.
The game looks muddy - When I mention this, first I would like to say that geometry and polygon count overall seems very detailed, also textures in general are ok. The main problem with this is that there's a system that changes polygon count and textures and many graphical things based on the player, but I feel like it's not implemented very good and most times we see low quality assets mixed with very high quality assets.
The game looks washed out - There's too trues to this, most gamers don't change their settings and this results in not having the best options for each game. But MH Wilds really has this artistic choice in what I believe an attempt to make the serious parts where all the environment is changing with dramatic sand effects and flooding which I think fits fighting a monster, but overall lacking a little pop of color either way.
Monsters animations are SUPERB - Where MH Wilds shines is the animations and I believe they nailed every aspect of a "monster" and it's so satisfying.
Performance - People usually mix performance with visual or artistic choices in the same bag. What I think is the most complex thing for this game is the high geometry land with all this verticality to it and the VFX, all this information affects the performance, not the artistic choices.
In conclusion, for me MH Wilds it's not a pretty looking game, but a very ambitious one. The seamless world is very important and where most of the efforts went. It is a very impressive game, it feels very alive and generally an ok looking game on consoles if you don't play with performance mode.
It's not an ugly game, it not the prettiest game. It's not that the devs are not capable. This game has a very big scope and they nailed the feel of being a hunter, the danger of the world around you and the monsters interactions with the surroundings and other monsters.
So my opinion is, stop dragging an impressive game since it's not like the worst looking game ever, not near to it being bad. Also stop defending the game as it's not close to other games on this generation and that's it.