Lyn-Z rant
The most fucked-up thing that she did was shower a then-teenaged fan with affection and attention, because she had a popular Twitter account, dedicated to My Chemical Romance.
Their online relationship eventually led to Lindsey inviting the 16-year-old over to her L.A. house to see her art studio... only to then make the fan feel uncomfortable by showing how Gerard only belongs to her by kissing him while staring at her. Supposedly, the fan did something that offended Lindsey. But instead of Lindsey handling it like a civil adult, she and her group of friends (which included the then 18-year-old Frances Cobain, therefore, not too much older than the victim) relentlessly tormented this girl, saying that she was crazy, a malicious stalker, wondering why she was so obsessed with Gerard Way (a teen heartthrob in the emo scene at the time) and threatened her to not attend his upcoming shows/signings.
More than one person has backed-up this victim's story, saying how it affected her anxiety so badly, she couldn't step out of her house without breaking down. Someone who says she's her longtime personal friend also recently corresponded to me about it, pointing out how she always found it weird that Lindsey--a 33-year-old mother by then--once wrote to a kid, "I think you're super special. Can I keep you?"
I know what you're thinking: Sounds like another jealous Gerard fangirl who wants to make his wife look bad. But at this point, I have no reason to dismiss a supposed lie that's been consistent for the past 15+ years. I hope that this victim, along with anyone else who got targeted by Lindsey and the Coven, are doing much better today, especially since their perpetrators are no longer active online. And, considering what both Jimmy and Chantal have been accused of, it's no surprise that even Lindsey has been accused of practically grooming minors. Even if it wasn't sexual, she took an impressionable young fan under her wing, gained her trust, only to then fuck with her head.
It is abhorrent to think about how Gerard has adamantly expressed being against taking advantage of his fans, when that's exactly what his wife did. Heart-breaking to think what their marriage is really like behind closed doors. And all the more infuriating that this gets brushed-off as being made-up by jealous fangirls!