nolan's world? noalan's world? Does anyone know what this channel is called or know what it is?

I used to watch this channel as a kid and I tried to find it but absolutely nothing came up. This channel I used to watch I remember watching it and I think it had around 1 million subscribers so I think some people have watched it before I'm not sure if it got deleted or not all I remember was the style of content the channel made. It was an animated channel that responded to questions in their comment sections and responded to stories in their comment section It consisted of 2 or more characters one of them that I remember always was in the video and he was "the dumb one". He would say stupid answers and responses to the stories and questions he had one of those french hats and it was blue. The other character that I remember was a purple bird that always gave logical responses to the questions and stories and she stood at the right of the screen and "the dumb one" who's name is Nolan stood on the left. Does anyone still watch this channel or know of its existance and if you do please tell me. If it is a thing.